Friday, October 3, 2008

New York City Continued

I give up. I tried to download all the rest of the NY trip but the computer has crashed once and now it won't let me upload any more pictures. Arrrrgggg! Any who, this was the last game at Yankee stadium. We sat in the back row. This wall was right behind us. They were to move to the new stadium after this game. The Yankees beat the White Sock 9-1.
This is Cole. He loved being at the game. At one point he start waving his index finger and saying, "I want one of these." Candice finally figured out that he wanted one of those foam thingeys you put on your hand that indicate that we are number 1. He loved it and even slept with it for a few nights. He also tried it on his foot for awhile. He is so funny. I have more pictures that will have to wait til I can get things working again.
Here are Grant and Cole riding the ferry over to the Statue of Liberty.
See it over there?
We are exciting to embark on this next adventure.
Looking back at the city. The ferry was packed!
Oh look, we are almost there.
Resting on the wall while listening to the audio tour of the Statue of Liberty.
Isn't she beautiful?
Eli and the view of NY from the island.
Eli and the Statue.
I love all my beautiful children. Mark what is that look you are giving me.
Coley loving his papa.
We think the president or some other big wig flew around Lady Liberty. You should have seen the military and presidential helicopters flying around. I didn't think to take a pic of that.

Looking up into the Statue of Liberty. Too bad they don't let you go up there anymore.
We were pretty worn out by the time we headed home. We also toured Ellis Island.
For Grant's birthday we went to Max Brennen's for dinner. Yum....chocolate, chocolate, and more chocolate for dinner. and dessert. If you haven't been there, you need to try it.
Grant blowing out his birthday candle. Grant was baptized earlier in the day but I didn't get any pictures before the baptism because of was in the kitchen with Sarah and Emily preparing food for the luncheon afterwards.
Eli had to have a slice of famous New York Pizza before he went back to Utah.

1 comment:

  1. Wow Kim! It looks like you had a great time in NYC. I've never been to Max Brennan's -- I'll have to remember that if I ever go back with my friends -- I don't go to the restaurants when I'm there on my own - sad I think I'm mising a lot! Did you go to serendipity? I'd like to go there too. there an umbrella pic LOL???
