Friday, October 3, 2008

New York City... the last one!

After the Martha Stewart Show, we headed over to Totally Baked to eat lunch. Interesting presentation don't you think? Yum!
I met up with Brett and Eli at this point. They had just finished with the Empire State building. We headed to Wall Street. This is a church in the middle of New York. So historical and beautiful. It just seemed so out of place. We even walled through the church. It was like being in Europe.
Next was Ground Zero.
That is the before and plans for the after where the twin towers were.
A monument to those who fell giving service.
Pictures of all those who lost their lives. Isn't that incredible how many fire fighters/police officers fell? So sad. I was supposed to fly to Ohio on Sept. 11, 2001. I airport was shut down before I left for the airport. I flew 5 days later and got a blood clot as a result of flying. It was a week and a half later that I was hospitalized in intensive care for pulmonary emboli. I felt like I had a lucky escape from death. I can't think about 9-11 without thinking about my own close call.
The boys eating Falafels from a street vendor. They looked so good but I'd already had my baked potato.
Another pic of Eli.
Eli at the end of Wall street. We were on a hunt to find the bull.
Guess where we are now. Yep, Tiffany's looking at diamond rings. This sale women was so nice. She was telling us what to look for and what made Tiffany's cuts so brilliant and unique. That was actually fun.
We really got brave enough to check it all out.
Oh look, Eli found the bull. Kind of a gross shot. But not as bad as those girls who were reaching under the bull and ...I don't think I want to explain what they are taking pictures of.
Ahh, this is a better shot of the bull. Too bad he's not pulling his weight in the market these days.
On our way to find the David Letterman theatre. We were so disappointed that Dave wasn't taping his show while we were there.
My husband doesn't look too happy there. He was on stimulation overload by this point. We got around pretty well for rookies though I think.
Hey look, we found it. We also wanted to get something to eat in the Hello Deli but it was also closed. What's the deal with that Rupert?
Then it was off to Central Park.
Eli is saying, "take a picture of this." Nice!
Here we are in Central Park. Such a cool place.
The famous Tavern on the Green. We didn't have time to stop though because we were off to the Yankee's game.
Grant and I on the train.
Our seat at the game.
The Yankees and the White Socks.
A last look at Yankee Stadium. They are off to the new stadium across the street.
So, that pretty much it for the trip. It was so much fun. Thanks Candice, Mark, Grant, and Cole for helping us have a great time. We miss you.

I did get to go to some of the fabric, trim stores. I found a few things I couldn't resist at Tinsel Trading. I also got some great paper lanterns for Halloween from China Town. We even did a little clothes shopping. Eli and I now have clothes from New York City. Wooo hoo!


  1. Great pictures - worth the effort of uploading. We miss you!

  2. Man, what a loaded post! I had to cover my eyes over that bull picture.

    Does this mean that Eli is ring shopping??? ;-)

    My oldest is a huge White Sox fan so he'd be proud that you went to a Sox game -- even if you were rooting for the wrong team.

    And finally, I'm going to have to stop hanging with you if you can't show me some wrinkles. For Cripes Sake Woman -- you have granchildren and I don't, now come on!!!

  3. Wow Aunt Kim- what a fun trip! I'd love to make it back to New York soon. It looks like you guys really fit a lot in to just a few days.

  4. It looks like you guys had some fun while you were there. You saw all the fun sights - busy but fun trip.

    Thanks for the pictures!!
