Thursday, October 2, 2008

More New York City

Candice and I had a chance to spend a couple of days together. This is Candice in Central Park overlooking the fountain that has been pictured in many movies. Enchanted had many scenes filmed in Central Park. It is a great place.
Columns in the park are carved for different holidays. This is Halloween of course. I thought it was appropriate since I dress up like a witch every year. (Weird pose I know but I'm leaning back over the railing so you can see the column.)
Next we were on to the Boat House for Candice's birthday lunch.
This is out of order but here is a close up of the fountain.
Didn't we have a great table at the restaurant? I think we were sitting in the spot where they filmed 27 Dresses. It's great to live like the rich and famous once in a while isn't it?
Another view. See the boats in the background. You can rent those and boat around the Park.

And yet another.
The waiter took this picture after lunch.
Looking from the fountain to the Boat House.
Candice getting ready to walk down Poet's walk.
Radio City. Life in NY is crazy. So many people, so much noise, traffic, stimulation. Such a giant change from life in Provo but very fun for a visit.
I loved this creativity in the Anthropology store window display. We had fun looking at all the great clothes,etc. I even bought a t-shirt and a couple of cool mugs. Hey, it's expensive and about all I could afford. Of course I then had to hand carry my mugs home so they wouldn't get broken.
Can you guess where we are? Yes, Mark found tickets for us to WICKED. I wanted to go really really badly. This was taken on the sly from my seat on the 8th row right in the middle. You aren't supposed to take pictures at all even before the play begins. The flying monkeys were flying right over our heads.
Here we are after the play.
Here we are even closer. LOL Yes, I really am Candice's mom and she is not adopted. I look like an Amazon next to my petite little Candice.
One last stop by Anthropology on our way back to the subway. I Loooove their window displays~so creative. I'm telling you I had a great time. Still have more to come. I'm not sure if any of you are interested, but there will be more anyway so gear up. :)

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