Tuesday, February 21, 2012

New Dining Chairs

 I'm so excited.  After almost 35 years of marriage, I finally have my first dining room chairs.  My husband and I both love them and they are comfortable too.  (My husband also recently replaced the old 80's brass fan with these two chandeliers.  Not my favorite but they were inexpensive and blend with the lights in the addition and kitchen area.)

They blend with the table, french doors, and linen draperies.  Where did I finally find chairs I could afford?  You will probably never guess.

Costco.  they were in the latest Costco magazine.


  1. Wow. Sometimes Sam's and Costco have the most amazing things. They're beautiful and they go perfectly in your dining room!

  2. Hi, I couldn't find a place to email you, but I saw on "thimbleanna"'s blog you said you made Hunger Games Peacekeeper flak vests... wondering if you have any photos or advice as I'm making this costume currently. Thanks!
