Monday, February 20, 2012

My Husband

He will be embarrassed that I'm posting this.  I love how he is always learning something new.  He decided he wanted to learn to play the ukelele and is teaching himself.  He's bought DVD's, and watches utube clips.  He practices on a regular basis.  One of these days, he will be a pro.

His latest adventure...learning to weld.  It is wonderful to always be learning something new.  What is your latest adventure?


  1. What a sweet picture Kim. I'd love to learn how to weld -- you never know when it might come in handy. I once swapped services -- I made my friend some cute little boxer shorts for her little boy and her husband welded the broken axle on our lawn mower. It was a fun swap -- and saved us LOTS of money!

    I'd like to find a fun new skill to learn -- although, I'm having trouble keeping up with stuff I'm already doing.

    What are YOU doing lately???

  2. That ever-impressive and fun husband of yours...
