Sunday, October 3, 2010

The New Addition Reveal

I'm still waiting for my new sectional but have given up on it for now since I ordered it in June. I didn't want to keep you in suspense any longer...not that you were holding your breath or anything. This is looking from the new room into my old family room and kitchen.
Looking from the TV wall to the gas fireplace. (The blue couches will be gone replaced with a new sectional that is slip covered in an off white canvas fabric.)
The timber framed beams and chandeliers. I still need to find just the right architectural something to go over the big screen. The recliner is also going but my husband is not very happy about that. Since we do not have room to have it directly face the TV, he is not using it anyway.
Looking from the fireplace. The room is 15 1/2 x 34 ft. We absolutely love it and we are so glad that we bit the bullet and just did it. (The cushions on the left are from my outdoor furniture on the patio. It's an easy place to keep them since I haven't ordered chairs for this end of the room yet. Actually, I kind of like the empty space. The grand kids love to make forts on this end of the room.)
My cabinet from Belgium. I like how one little piece can make such a difference in a space. The DVD's are stored in here. Check here to see my original post on my furniture purchases. It took a bit of imagination and sifting to find these pieces.
The industrial kitchen island turned sofa table. The speakers will disappear after we get speakers to be placed in the ceiling.
The zinc table. Those cords will mostly be gone once the speakers are wired into the ceiling. We still have to find them and keep forgetting to look.
The "entertainment" center. We still need to either bolt it to the wall or replace those 2 x4's with something else. Magazines and kid toys are in the baskets helping to hide those ugly wires.
The coffee table.
Specialty lighting for my husband's artwork. We have a whole gallery wall now.
Here's the post I bought at Round Top last spring.
Antique family metal trunks with a creeping charlie plant.
The gas fireplace.
The gallery wall. There are 5 pictures on that wall. I do like the lighting rail. We have a variety of lighting in the room...that rail with 10 lights, spotlights to wash down the fireplace, canned lights on dimmers, and two large chandeliers. You can set all kinds of moods with the lighting.
Looking from my kitchen through the old family room to the new addition. We replaced all the flooring when we built the addition. The doors from the south of France are also from Round Top. My husband liked all my purchases except those. I did get one new piece that will go on that blank wall last week at Excess. A beautiful old bookcase from a general store. I'm not sure how long it will take to get it. (The have a new ceiling fan but haven't gotten to that project yet.)
A close up of the door. So, what do you think? I'd love to hear from you.


  1. WOW Kim!!! Your home is GORGEOUS!!! I love those beams. And the fireplace is so pretty. You must be in heaven!!


  2. Wow Kim -- it's gorgeous!!! How could hubby not love those doors? All the stuff you got at Round Top looks just perfect in that room. And I LOVE those beams!!!

  3. I LOVE those doors! Where is this great Antique store? Really beautiful!!!

  4. Your new addiction with all your finds is great! It looks amazing! The zinc table and coffee table are my favs! And the door leaning again the wall. I have a few old doors that I am trying to figure out what to do with. I am not even a follower yet, but I will be soon!
