Friday, August 6, 2010

This One Almost Got Me

Click on the picture to get an even closer look at the rattlesnake that almost got me. My sister clicked this picture after it coiled back up after striking at me.

I was walking on the paved trail chatting with my SIL Mark, when I turned just in time to see this snake spring out at me. I screamed LOUDLY while jumping backwards into Mark. It missed me by inches. What saved me...we all agreed it was our morning family prayer asking for safety throughout our day. I hope I never come that close to a rattlesnake again.

You might be wondering where I've been the last 3 months. I've been to crazy town and think that I am getting back to "Normal" there such a thing?

We've had birthday parties, a baby blessing, a wedding, and wedding dinner, family reunion to Wyoming, lots of babysitting of the grandchildren, and helping our children, going to plays and so much more. Not to mention trying to keep up with my job at Alpine Home Care and Hospice. I kind of check out in the evening escaping to my room for a few minutes of reading and quiet to try and stay sane. I only lost my sanity once or twice. My kids remarked that they were proud of me for remaining mostly calm in the eye of the storm of life.

The addition/remodel on our house is almost finished and we love how it turned out. It was not without lots of stress which I'll fill you in on later. We are in the midst of trying to fix the sprinkler system that had to be redone because of the addition. I have a new couch and rug on order and can't wait until it comes. I received my furniture from Round Top and am happy with the choices I made... my husband likes them too.

Can't wait to catch up with you. I haven't even been reading my favorite blogs...a true indication on how wild my life has been. It will be really hard to have everyone gone this weekend after two months of kids and grandkids coming and going but I look forward to trying to get things cleaned up and out around here. I even have an appointment to have my windows cleaned inside and out. Ahhh...bliss.


  1. That's a great picture. Glad you kept your wits enough to take it, considering how startled you must have been.

    However, I think snakes like that should stay off the path. :)

  2. Well, if it takes a near death experience to bring you back to us...I guess we'll take it. But really, there ARE easier ways LOL!

    I'm so happy to see you back! Can't wait to see what you've been up to -- and most importantly how the addition turned out!

    Now...YIKES! I'm going to click that icky snake off of my screen. I'm so glad it didn't get you!

  3. Sounds like you've had a wild Summer. But a wonderful one, since it was filled with family and friends.
    Take care and don't push too hard.

  4. I am scared to death of snakes...any snake, any size. I can't believe your SIL took a picture...I would have been running. Glad you are OK and looking forward to your return.
