Friday, April 30, 2010

Design Ideas

While in Texas, I shot a few pictures at Pottery Barn that I thought were inspiring. I loved these origami cranes hung from mono filament over the bed. I'm not sure I would ever do it but I thought it was innovative. It could be just the ticket in a room without architectural features.
I love that they were thinking green and recycled crates to add walls and display space. (This picture was included in case you wanted to see how to construct a wall like this. Click on the pictures to enlarge.) We thought this would be useful and inexpensive for a backyard party. We were specifically thinking wedding reception since Eli is getting married in June.
I can picture this as a wall to display engagement and/or wedding pictures at the reception. With a branch at the top strung with mini white lights in the branches, I think it could really look great.
I love how they stacked up the crates to create a display area. Someone has some real merchandising skills.
You could use these as the wedding present drop off area but I think it would take a pretty informal reception to pull that one off. You could make a pretty awesome picnic buffet table by adding a big top on top of this. It could be a unique pedestal table.

Next time you are out shopping, pay attention to the displays. You never know where inspiration will hit.


  1. You are so observant Kim. I'd probably walk past that display and not think much about it. I'm with you though -- it would be perfect for an informal wedding!

  2. I really liked the way they used those crates, both the stack and the hanging one, its inspired me, but i have no room left to fit things in any more. I sometimes wish i didnt hoard such a lot of stuff.Hope your are all well....x

  3. Kim, Thanks for your comments on my blog. I'm sorry we got to the lanterns before you guys. Our client is installing this week. I'll be posting pictures of the complete installation soon. I think you will enjoy.

  4. Kim, You're the winner of my Frog Tae giveaway! :) Send me an e-mail with your address, so I can get it out to you.
