Tuesday, February 16, 2010

My Valentine Party

I had so much fun at Stephanie's party last year, I thought I should have one of my own. You will notice that I mostly copied her's. I did give her credit for all the great ideas I "borrowed."
Sprinkles for the cookies.

A variety of drinks...all red of course.
Fruit for me and others who are off sugar.

And lots of cookies. I even used Stephanie's recipes. I baked for hours...
We started out the evening by visiting with each other until everyone arrived. Then we had dinner...white chicken chili and tomato basil soup, bread, and a great salad that Corene made.
Here we are at the end of dinner. I'll post table setting/napkin folding soon.
Then on to the Valentine exchange. Look at all the fun creative gifts.
Shule made flan. She learned how to make it from her mother. (She is our young women's president and I am her first couns.)

Stephanie gave all of us a paperwhite bulb in a glass vase with a charm "bracelet" around the vase.
My amaryllis has bloomed and gone so I am glad I have a replacement. I love seeing the daily growth.
Cari made cookies in a jar.

Cranberry Hootycreeks. I can't wait to try them. I've never heard of Cranberry Hootycreeks have you. Love the name and I bet they taste wonderful.
Lisa gave us a variety of candies in a baby food jar and a pair of heart earrings.

Heidi made everyone a neck warmer. She picked beautiful fabrics and made a beautiful lined cover so you could take it off and wash it. She even crochet a cute little Valentine heart to add to the cover.
Even her presentation was beautiful.
Black and white toile...how did she know? I love it.
Lily made her favorite granola and a bookmark for everyone. Yum!

Dana was going to make sterling silver charms for everyone but couldn't find a source for the sterling silver. She has all the stamps, chain, and acid. Anyone know where she can get some? So, instead she made these cute little stationary boxes complete with coupons.
I can't believe she made 12 of these. That must have taken awhile.
Isn't she cleaver?
Here is a look at the coupons.
Anna Marie made us some stationary to write our love notes on.

Corene, who made that great dinner salad, made sugar cookies and included a cookie cutter and recipe.

Diana gave us a romantic bag with a candle, rose bath soap, potpourri, and peppermints.

And Jill gave us "Love" in a box.

Here is a peek at what was inside. Photocopies of famous love letters for inspiration and enough stationary, stickers, pens, etc. to write a love letter to your spouse every month for a year. My anniversary is on the 18th of June so I am supposed to give mine on the 18th of every month. Isn't that a thoughtful gift?

This is the Valentine I made for my own Valentine. I actually made one of these cards to give to everyone but I couldn't get the paint to dry in time. I finally baked them in the oven on low.
Here I am getting ready to give my letter pressed and embossed cards away. I also made bookmarks.
We decided to call ourselves the "love" club and do it all again next year. We really did have a great time.

Before going home, everyone decorated a plate of sugar cookies to take home to their families. Hopefully, it was a good reward for having mom be away for the evening.

If you have any great ideas for next year's gift, please let me know. I'm on the lookout. I'll add it to my collection.


  1. These Valentine parties are such a fantastic idea!!! I'd love to do something like that, but my crafty friends are too few and my bigger group of friends aren't crafty (some don't even cook!) Anyway, all of your valentines, the dinner, the presentation -- everything, looks fantastic!!!

  2. I want to be your friend! Such a fun party and wonderful gift ideas. I loved your cookies on the platter. Everything looked so classy.

  3. I LOOOOVED catching up over here. What a delightful party filled with fun and beauty! Thanks for sharing all the details.
    I just posted about our little V-day Party 2010, over at my place. I have the exact same red/white polka dot plates. : )
    You asked for name suggestions a couple of posts down. We named our 2nd son, Preston. He got compliments on that name everywhere he went and told me often how happy he was that we named him Preston. : ) After he passed away from cancer at 18, one of his best friends named their first son, Preston, a few years later. I was very touched. Your daughter is welcome to use that suggestion if she'd like. I always felt it sounded like such a regal name.
    If by any chance you wanted to correspond about the subject, my email is houseofwhimsy@juno.com.
    Not necessary though. : )
    Thanks again for all great ideas you share over here! I always enjoy my visits.
    Mary Lou

  4. Oh my goodness! What a fun party! I love that everyone brought little goodies. And such thoughtful ones too! I love it!

    I would love to be invited! Looks like soooo much fun!


  5. That looks like SUCH a fun party!! What a nice idea to do that with a group of girlfriends.

  6. I love your party ~ what a great idea! Looks like everyone had such fun.

    Thanks for visiting my blog and good luck in the glitter giveaway.
