Sunday, November 8, 2009

Pictures from the Pirate Party

I thought you might like to see some of the pirates that attended our Halloween party. My husband set up the photo booth in our room with a blue sheet as background. This is what he came up with after using photoshop. Chris made his own costume by buying a womens' wool coat and adding cuffs and trim. He also made his wife's scarf. They looked pretty good don't you think?
Heidi and Dana ended up coming together as one of the husbands stayed home to babysit all the kids and the other one ended up having to work. They made great pirates.
See...they really got into it.
Of course Steve and Jill were pretty good too. Steve came as Red Beard. He was also the best at Curses. He had to talk like Mr. T and really got into character. It really was great.
Here we are.
Good actors aren't we?
Stephanie and Brent got into it too. His costume was really fancy. They ended up being our partners in the Treasure Hunt.

Here is our token islanders. We held them for ransom on our pirate ship. We, the royal we, also did photo strips like you would get in a photo booth. I can't wait to deliver them. I might have to wait a day or two to not spread germs.

You can also tell by the pictures that most of the couples were much younger than we are. We were trying to get to know some of the couples in our neighborhood better. And, no offense to the friends we usually hang out with but that last dinner theatre event we had, two of the husbands fell asleep. I don't think they would have been willing to go on our scavenger hunt anyway. We are counting some of these couples as our new best friends. They were so fun to play games with.

I spent the last 4 days at a quilting retreat. So much fun! Unfortunately all that fun seems to have caught up with me and I came down with a cold last night. (Not H1N1...I already had my shot.) I did bring my camera and took lots of quilt pictures. Wait until you see the talented women that I spent the week with. I learned lots of new things too. However, I was on the planning committee so didn't get quite as much done as I would have liked, but I sure had fun.

I'm still packing up the Halloween decorations. Life has been too busy to get to it. Tomorrow is the day to get it all put away even if I don't feel up to it. Wish me luck.


  1. These pictures are so cool Kim! Looks like you guys had a wonderful time. Don't feel bad about your Halloween decorations -- I haven't had time to take mine down either. So sad. Can't wait to see your retreat pictures!

  2. Great photos! It looks like a fun party. When we moved to this town 6 years ago, we somehow ended up meeting all much younger couples. I sort of fought it at first, I wasn't used to being the "old" one. But, in truth, we really like them and we fit in just fine. Sometimes they stay out later, party more or do a few wild things we are no longer interested in...but, we just beg off on theose occasions. The only downside is they can't do things on short notice...they need sitters.

  3. You never disappoint. :) Is that weird that I just really, REALLY want a Brett-shopped pirate picture of Jason and me?

  4. Looks like such a fun party. Where did you get all the neat clothes? If you notice all of our friends are young too (our kids age). They are our friends up here (most are ward). I can't believe they hang out with us old folks.

  5. You are the coolest chick ever!xoxo
