Sunday, November 1, 2009

Halloween Happenings

Here is our little wild thing. Wait until you see what my husband does with the background.
Here Creed AKA "Max from Where The Wild Things Are" trick-or-treating. He went to all of 5 houses before he was done. He just drug his little tail every where he went.
He just made me smile. Could there be a cuter little wild thing? Eli changed his mind, thank goodness, so I didn't end up making his costume.
Leslie and Brenna made us this plate of Halloween goodies. They really know how to make things great with presentation. A close up of the bow.
The plate of goodies.
Yummy sugar frosted cookies and popcorn hand. I do have to admit that these cookies were irresistible for me. I'm not sure I stayed within my Weight Watcher points after eating two of those today. Some things are just worth it.
And then, my husband had someone ring the door bell and give him this hand made certificate for his pumpkin carving. He is a very talented carver. Unfortunately, I didn't take any pictures.
Kind of a fun thing to do if you want to make someone's day next year. Stephanie always makes up a great certificate and takes around a gift to the best decorated Christmas house. This could be the basis for a fun party.
Speaking of parties, we had a great time at our pirate party and think everyone who attended did too. The first thing everyone was sent to do was to take pictures in our photo booth. I'll try to add some of those pictures off my husband's computer at a future date.

Everyone was invited to dinner at the Black Pearl and of course, like the movie, all had to be cursed. (I took all the curses cards out of our game and gave everyone two. They had to do their curses all during dinner. Each person had a pile of M&M's and if you were caught not during your curse, you had to give them an M&M. It curtails the conversation a little bit but it is extremely funny.)
Next everyone was broken into three groups. Each group consisted of two couples. Each group was given a pirate booty bag that included: 4 quarters, 3 Pirate Island game tokens, a package of bubble gum, a sticky eye ball, Halloween candy, and a Pirate map tied with black ribbon.
If you click on the picture, I think you will be able to read what everyone had to do. It was hilarious. Everyone was asked to bring a digital camera and document their adventures.
Here was the winner of bigger and better. They started out with the eye ball on the right and someone gave them the eye ball on the left. It was better than the Dove chocolate or box of kleenex the other groups traded for.
Here is some of the booty from Pirate Island. Pirate Island is a pizza place with a game arcade and lots of pirate decor. We ended up sharing everyone's adventures and pictures back at our house and giving out prizes. I forgot to take pictures of the prizes but they were good ones. LOL

For dinner we served white chicken chili with chips and other toppings, corn bread, green salad, and for dessert a family recipe my mom named "The next best thing to Magnum PI." It's an all time favorite in our family.

After that anyone who wanted to were invited to a cabin at Sundance to play more games. I'll try to get the video clip that one of the couples took on our adventure. It was too funny.


  1. This was a fun post, you covered so many great topics. Love the party stuff, the little one is so cute. It sounds as if you had a great Halloween.


  2. Creed looks adorable in his costume! I was looking for Max's at our door on Saturday night, but we had so few trick or treaters this year, it was hopeless. Looks like you had a fabulous evening -- that whole list in such a short amount of time! And the curse card game sounds fantastic -- I'll bet it was hysterical!

  3. Best costume ever! You did a great job and Creed looks so cute. The party sounds fun too. I only wish we could have been a part of your adventures. Love you mom!
