Sunday, August 2, 2009

Halloween Decorations Are At Gate House!

Haven't heard from me in awhile? We are on a roll here with two funerals within a month, a flooded utility room (the water heater broke), a defunct computer, and lots of family visiting.

My husband has been using my computer to research water heaters, hybrids, and on demand units. What to do? We've had four bids and are so confused as to what we should do. Meanwhile the old water heater is working but leaking all over.

My husband's computer bit the dust too. When it rains, it pours. Oh well...on to something more uplifting...

I have been to the Gate House in Orem and they let me take lots of pictures to share with you. They have their Halloween decor up and it is going quickly. I couldn't resist a few things to add to my collection while I was at it. I hope you will enjoy them. (They actually put out a new shipment on Saturday so don't miss out.)

I'm not "into" skulls and the scarrier side of Halloween but some of you might be so I included pictures of that too.
Here is an idea you could incorporate in your decor. Get out an old trunk and add pirate treasure using any silver you have plus your own jewelry. I inherited a bunch of fake pearl necklaces from my grandmother that I can use.
Don't have a trunk? Just make up a small display.
A close up of the skeleton dishes...
and skeleton candle holders.
How about your own special chandelier with hanging spiders?
There are lots of Halloween figurines.

Halloween "tussy mussies"...
and my favorite Halloween figures. These are what I like to collect. I think they are irresistable. I think I love them because they remind me of trick-or-treating when I was little. We used to have a great time.

I especially loved the year my parents and their friends took us on a jeep ride, told us the story about the headless horseman. I remember being so scared when the headless horseman came galloping at us through the trees. It was so much fun.

If you want to see my 2008 Halloween decorations click here.

Or other Halloween post here.


  1. OhMyGosh -- Halloween is just around the corner. Where has the summer gone. Hopefully things will settle down a bit more for you as we work into fall - and we can hear from you more! Sorry I didn't manage to meet up with you when I was out there -- everything was so hectic -- we were running every day -- I was exhausted when I got home and I'm still not caught up!

  2. I can't believe that Halloween decor is out already. I am not ready for summer to be over!!! I love Halloween though! They have some cute things. Fun!


  3. I'm a sucker for Halloween. I posted some items that Kirklands has out as well, so come over and visit me for that preview. Does Gate House have a website by any chance? Glad to have you back.

  4. You sure start halloween early!! Sounds like you have had such a busy time, i hope you get everthing fixed up

  5. I can hardly wait to put up my garland you gave to me last year (giveaway). Seeing this has made me very excited to put Halloween stuff up. Check out my blog because I found this fantastic witch and I posted pictures of her on my blog.

  6. LOVE skeleton dishes...the cup & skeleton candle holders♥
    A must have !
