Friday, July 17, 2009

Harry Potter

My husband did these pictures. Aren't they cool? I'm in the middle. That isn't a headband in my hair; they are goggles. Can you tell who I am? Jenny is on the left and Ali, as Professor Magonigal is on the right. They are always willing to help and so much fun to be around.
This is my brother and part of his family. My SIL and brother both work for Alpine Home Care and Hospice too. So, they came to help with the premiere. He was very creepy as "He who must not be named". Of course at 6'8", he always stands out in the crowd.
Tuesday night I had a premiere viewing of Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince for people my company works with. I try to think of things to make it more fun. My sister asked me to post so she could duplicate some of it. I thought all of you might be interested too.

I made 12 of these golden snitches. They had difficult trivia questions in them. If you could answer the question you won a prize. If you didn't answer correctly, you lost the golden snitch and had to pass it on. You could ask anyone there to help you answer. (I hoped this would help people co-mingle as they waited in line.
I started with a clear plastic ball from Michaels, spray painted the inside with gold spray paint, and glued on two white feathers with a glue gun.
Another version of golden snitches for the pictures. I had costumes for people to put on and we took pictures of their group.

Take a styrofoam ball, paint it gold, sprinkle with gold glitter while the paint is still wet, and stick metal leaves I found in the jewelry section at Robert's crafts. I stuck the balls on a wooden skewer to paint, sprinkle with glitter, and dry. (I got the idea from Robert's but they spray painted theirs and I wanted mine to be glittery.)

Next you can make your own wand. I also got this idea from Robert's. Use model magic clay and roll into a snake the length of a piece of dowel. Push the dowel into the clay and then with your fingers seal the clay around the dowel. You can make it look like it has knots, add vines and leaves, form a creative. I then let them sit for at least 24 hours (48 is better) and painted them brown and then dry brushed with gold paint.
The wands.
A close up.
Here are some of the wands we gave away. They have a little led light but you have to keep the button pushed for them to light. (Yep, this is why there is a hand in this blurry picture.)
We had a costume contest. Unfortunately, our employees were the only ones to be crazy enough to dress up. We did have two kids dress up so they each one prizes. One prize was the "official" golden snitch. They other was "official" Harry Potter wand and glasses.
We had lots of trivia and prizes. Here are the jelly slugs we gave away along with the wands, and gift cards for the theatre.
Stephanie (my daughter), made these great award certificates for me.

I hope this gives you ideas for your Harry Potter parties. I'm doing New Moon in November. Any one have any great ideas for this movie? I need some inspiration.

Kasey over at "Lola B's" is having a giveaway. Go check it out. She is very talented.

I took pictures of Halloween at the Gate House. I'll post pictures soon. I love that store. I also added the Utah Valley Quilt Fair and took pictures there to show you too.

If you live close to the Springville Art Museum, the quilt show is up. Go check out the great quilts. You will be amazed at the talent.


  1. This was fantastic. You are so clever and industrious. We drove to Forks in March (we live in Wa). Little town.
    Hmmm.... New Moon. Be sure to use lot's of black and silver and mirrors. That's the best I have to offer "}

  2. That looks like so much fun! I'm a little ashamed to admit I've only seen the first movie, and haven't read any of the books... :(

    As for your family adventures from the previous post... I wanted to comment but make sure you saw it. I loooove that picture of Marissa with Mike! You'll have to send it to her if you haven't already. And the closest concoction I have come to the Magleby's Fresh syrup is this.

    1/2 C sugar
    1/2 C butter
    1/2 C heavy whipping cream
    splash of vanilla
    **Boil in saucepan until desired consistency!

    Completely low-calorie and sugar-free. :) Seriously DELICIOUS! I have stopped buying syrup entirely and now only use this.

  3. These are amazing ideas...and photos. Your crowd sure knows how to have FUN!!!
