Sunday, July 12, 2009

Discovery Gateway

Last Thursday we all took the day off to play together while Marissa and Mike were still here. Here is Logan laid back in the stroller.
Cousin Creed is in the double stroller with him.

Do they look like cousins?
Beep. Logan's nose is not a horn Creed.
Mike and Marissa watching the kids play in the fountain/water feature.
Eli who was very patient following the little kids around.
Isn't he handsome?
Creed and Eli in the background.
Creed throwing balls over the edge. It is hard to get pictures of 1 and 2 year olds in action. I just couldn't get any fast enough.
Steph, Papa, and Creed putting balls in the vacuum shoot.
Creed and Logan operating the crane.
.Baby Cambell who can tell time. He knows when two hours is up on the dot. He wants to be fed and you can literally set your clock by it. You can tell by looking at him, that he is very deprived. He is the best baby as long as you feed him. You never hear a peep except when he coos and smiles at you. I was able to hold him a lot this week. I loved it! (He was my swimming buddy too. He loves the water.)

Steph and Creed taking a little break.
Logan loved riding the horse.
He's our little Texan.

Papa getting a ride from the boys.
We started out the morning having breakfast at Magleby's Fresh. They have all you can eat thick french toast. The syrup is incredible. It is some kind buttery concoction.

Then we met Steph and Discovery gateway before meeting her back at her house to play in the backyard. When Larry got off of work we all went up the canyon to eat at Ruth's. They had two singers entertaining and Creed and Logan loved dancing and entertaining other diners. I was too busy keeping track of them to be able to take pictures. But, trust me, they were cute. They had some "moves". We came back to our house, put the babies to bed, and played games. It was a very fun day. I love spending time with my babies. I just wish they all could have been here.

1 comment:

  1. Looks like a really fun day...nothing like baby love all day long.
