Thursday, June 11, 2009

Utah County Home Show

It's haven't heard from me in a while. I don't know how you all post so often. I can't even keep up reading yours, which is so much more fun than posting myself. Today I finally got a day to do something I love to do. I was able to visit a few of the home show houses in my area. I thought I'd share some of the tour with you. Here is a cute little girl's room. Wouldn't you just love to sit in the window seat with a good book?
Nice storage drawers too. I only took these from the first house.
Loved many of the details in this second home. I loved the light that really completed the decor. Nice black cupboards for stashing those sewing supplies. Nice combination of fabrics in the valance. I also love the striped walls.
I could sew in here but it isn't big enough for me. I have three large tables in my studio space. Plus it is in the main part of the house and I would never be able to keep it clean enough to not embarrass the fam. I usually have a project out that I'm working on. You get more done that way.
This house was nice and bright with all the windows and french doors. I should have taken a close up of the place settings. I loved the dinner plates they used. I saw them this weekend at TJ Maxx and was so tempted to get them. I probably would have but I was at the TJ Maxx in CA helping my MIL do a jewelry show over the weekend. There was no extra room in the van. (Yes, we drove down Friday, had the show Sat. and Sun. and drove back Monday. 24 hours of driving not counting the three hours I spent going back and forth to my parent's house while I was there. Life is full to say the least.)
The family room off the kitchen. Not my favorite. A little too conservative for me...not enough personality/uniqueness.
The kitchen was very white and bright. I thought the chandeliers over the sink were interesting. It was the first time I'd ever seen a chandelier used in that setting. This house had lots of crystal doorknobs too.
Here is the outside of this house. I liked the combinations of materials. (Unfortunately I didn't correct the WB on my camera so all the outside pics are blue.)
This was by FAR the nicest house in the neighborhood. There was an old brick rambler right next door.
This house I loved and the pictures don't do it justice. The house is listed at 2.75 million if you'ld like to buy it. Here's a small tour. This is the living room. I took lots of pictures because it will be similar in size to our family room addition...if I ever get the bid back. Who said builders are anxious for jobs in this economy?

This house was decorated by Alice Lane in Orem. I loved it because it was liveable and had personality. It wasn't cookie cutter by any means.

I know there are lots of shots of this room but I really liked it and was trying not to miss anything so I could go back and study the pictures. Now you can too.
The dining room. Lots of nice details.
Loved the chandelier!
Loved the antique silver on the table.

More unpolished silver with an arch. photograph. Maybe I should quit polishing my silver. I kind of like that idea.
A nice bright eating nook. I could eat breakfast in here every morning.
This is the family room. The kitchen is connected and on the left. It is a galley kitchen but seemed quite functional. I didn't get a pic. Sorry. The dining room was off to the right.
The downstairs family room. Not pictured...the theatre area and exercise area right off this room.
But, here is the view from the backyard. Wouldn't you want to sit on the back deck and enjoy this every day? I loved it.
This is a bedroom on the other side of the downstair family room. Hey, where are the pictures of the master bedroom. I'll have to go find those. There are more pictures on Your Heart Out.
This was another house by the same builder. It was FILLED with the most amazing antiques. My camera battery died at this point so I'll try and bring you more tomorrow. I hope you enjoyed the tour.


  1. Wow -- that big house is amazing! I love home tours, so thanks for showing your pictures. Especially the ones of the tarnished silver -- finally, my mess is in style!

  2. Love seeing these beautiful homes, either "in person" or in pics...thanks so much for sharing. These are lovely. I have to agree as the tarnished silver and hope it really comes in vogue as I can never see to keep mine cleaned.
