Saturday, May 30, 2009

I spent last week in Hawaii

Isn't this incredible? Last week my husband and I celebrated our 32 anniversary in Maui. My wonderful parents gave us their timeshare for a week. This was the view from our room. Ahhh, it was bliss. However, we didn't take many normal pictures. We hiked, snorkeled, went to church, drove around and explored. We went outrigger canoeing with the canoe club. Walked on the beach and the motel boardwalk. We spent time in the pool and in the jacuzzi. We barbequed and ate in restaurants. We read books. (I polished off 5 novels. I love to read but hardly ever get to because there are too many other things to do. Time in the airport and on the plane makes for many hours of reading.)

We miss Hawaii. We used to live on Oahu. It's a great place to live if you can afford it.
Hiking on the swinging bridges. (I know I'm white. I don't do sun. I guess I should have gone for the spray on tan. LOL Notice I'm not showing any swimsuit pictures.)
We went on a helicopter ride. My very first. It was amazing but difficult to get good pictures through the curved helicopter windows.
Here is the back of our pilot's head. Dave flew us over West Maui and Moloka'i.
Beautiful mountains, waterfalls, and greenery. My husband wanted to take pictures of all the great old churches on the island. I thought you would enjoy seeing a few of his great pictures.

It was so hard to come back to reality. We would move in a split second if it didn't take us so far away from our children and grandchildren. We miss them enough as it is.


  1. Sounds like a great trip and some lovely pictures.

    Did you get a chance to visit all the islands when you were living there?

  2. Hi Kim, sounds like you had a wonderful vacation...I would love to go to Hawaii one of these days. Right now, just hanging out in Tennessee with my two daughters and 3 and 1/4 grandchildren. All the best.

  3. You lucky girl. So glad you could celebrate in such a beautiful place. I'm having a 100th Giveaway if you'd like to join in. : )

  4. Beautiful pictures Kim. It looks like you had a wonderful time. Maybe you could work it out so you could live 6 months in Hawaii and 6 months in Utah each year!!!

  5. You didn't mention going on the Hana Trail..that was one of our favorite highlights of our trip to Hawaii in 2003. Sure would love to go back and tour some of the islands we didn't take in on that trip, but the thoughts of flying back over that Pacific Ocean frightens me, so guess we'll never go back.

  6. Oh, that last picture is BEAUTIFUL!!! You and your entire family are just so talented. I have actually never been to Hawaii (SAD!), but I completely believe how amazing your trip must have been. Thanks for sharing!
