Sunday, April 12, 2009

The Joy of Being a Mother

This is Marissa, daughter number three. (I really hope you don't mind I lifted your picture of her Candice.) She is getting ready to have her second boy this week. I'm so excited to be able to go and help her. I'm hoping she won't go in to labor before I get there too.

It is such a gift to have been able to have children. I love all my children and son-in-laws and am so glad they are all happy, healthy, and making positive contributions to the world. I'm grateful that my children love and appreciate me even though I made mistakes along the way.

I've been privileged to be able to coach all my daughters through their labors helping them with LaMaze breathing. (All but Creed who came before I got there.) I love that my daughters wanted me to be there with them and that my son-in-laws would let me share in those precious moments. It is hard to see my daughters struggle with pain during labor but when their boys have arrived, the joy in holding those new precious spirits makes the pain of childbirth quickly disappear for them. I again am praying that all will go well and that our Heavenly Father will bless us once again with a beautiful healthy new grandson.

I so love those grandbabies. There is nothing like spending time with them. (I just wish they all lived closer so I could do more with them.)

Happy Easter to you all!


  1. So exciting Kim! You'll soon be like my buddy Jewels with 5 grandsons. And isn't it funny -- you had more girls and now boys in the next generation!

  2. How exciting Kim! Another grandbaby! Good luck to your daughter!


  3. Mom, I can't wait to see you! just one more day!
