Thursday, April 16, 2009

He's Here!

There is nothing like seeing and experiencing a precious spirit being born. He was born at 4:26 am and weighed 9 pounds 8 ounces. He was 22 inches long. Mother and baby are doing great and will be home tomorrow.
He nursed like he was starving right after he was born and has been sleeping soundly even with all the poking and prodding that went on today. Don't you just love those chubby cheeks?

Here he is right after he was born. We were all amazed at how big he is already.

Marissa and baby Campbell? They think that is what his name will be.

Logan checking out his new brother. He was pretty excited.

Mike, Logan, and Campbell. They were checking out the babies feet. They are huge! He's going to be a big man.

Logan was doing lots of baby exploration.

Look at Logan's hair. Isn't it great? It's so curly.

Doesn't Logan have a great smile? He looks so much like Marissa did when she was little.

I love this picture of Logan. (Candice here is my picture for assignment #6. I love it.)

Logan with his "Big Brother" shirt. (I flew in Tuesday night so I just made it in time for the birth.)


  1. Congratulations Grandma! So glad you made it in time!

  2. Hey Kim! I found your blog through Danielle's, I hope you don't mind me peeking in! What beautiful grandchildren you have. I can't believe how much Logan looks like Marissa.

    On a side note, where did you find the letters for the shirt you made Logan? Are they the velvety-feeling ones? I've been looking around for them and can't find the ones I want, but those look like what I've been looking for.
