Sunday, August 31, 2008

Lake Tahoe -Fun, fun, fun!

Our trip to Lake Tahoe was lots of fun. Monday we relaxed and watch the olympics. Creed and I went for a walk everyday. He loved exploring. Day two we went to the outlet stores and to see the Tibetan sand painting. Here is the masterpiece in process. Don't sneeze!
Steph and Creed admiring the sand painting. Day 3 brought us to North Star for a free gondola and chair lift ride.
Marissa, Mike, Logan, Stephanie, and Creed unloading.
Here is the gang at the top getting ready to hike to the next chair. Lt-rt. my dad, sister Cheryl, me, Brett, Creed, Steph, Mars, Mike, and Logan. It was so beautiful. We even got to watch the mountain bikers take jumps, etc. as they went down the mountain. (The bikers have to pay $39 a day to ride the chair but any one else is free. Hippee! It was such a deal! We loved it.)
More of the gang.
Papa and Creed.
Grandma and Creed. Flattering shot don't you think? I got to be the pack mule. Lucky me. :)
Steph and Creed. I don't know how she can carry him around. He's heavy.
Logan and Mike.
Riding the chair down. We thought Creed would hate it but he did great!

We always try to do some work projects while we are at my parent's cabin. This trip's project was cutting down dead branches and picking up branches from the yard. See the pile?
OK, it looks like there were a few slackers. Well, maybe they were on babysitting duty. My dad is always taking pictures. I was glad he was taking these. We needed proof that we really did something.
Here's the hubby gathering and sawing a branch.
Ah, the lake. We spent some time there too. My dad is fending off the goose who bit him when he didn't get fed. It's so beautiful. We all took turns kayaking around Meeks Bay on this day.
This is the cabin. We love it. The big part is the new addition.
This was Creed's favorite place to be...driving grandma's car.
"Hey grandma, look at me!"
We celebrated Logan's first birthday. Happy birthday Logan. You are a cutie patootie.
Oh look, it's Stephanie's birthday too! They got presents and everything!

What a mess. We let Logan play in his cake. Someone needs to rescue Marissa.
Great Grandma and Grandpa Carr with Logan. I don't know why we didn't take a 4 generation picture while we had the chance.

The Garners. What a cute little family.
Brett and I checked out some art galleries, we checked out some of the local food, attended a craft fair, my mom and I babysat while everyone went river rafting, went to church, played games, and we watched lots of Olympic events. We spent a week there and had a great time.


  1. Wow Kim! It looks like you had a wonderful time -- just look at those beautiful blue skies -- we don't see that back here -- gray, gray, and more gray! The cabin looks awesome and I love your "flattering" shot LOL. I do have to say though that the pic of Creed in the chair lift give me the willies -- just thinking if he hated it and wiggled free...EEeeekkkkkk!!!!

  2. Is jealousy really a sin? Bishop-What do you think? That looks like so much fun-and believe me, I know. I have been lucky enough to experience Lake Tahoe with ya'll. Take me with you next time, huh?
