Tuesday, August 26, 2008

King's Peak Hiking Adventure

Oh the adventures we have had lately. This is or little group by the parking lot getting ready to back pack in. Mine weighed 30 pounds but my husbands weighed 49. Never go back packing without a great man to shoulder more than his fair share. Aren't I lucky?
Above (lt to rt) me, Brett, Cory (my husband's brother), Niece Madison, SIL Lynette, and friends Laurie and Kathee.

You remember Kathee. She is with me on most of my exercise adventures. Hiking King's Peak was on her bucket list. I thought I'd help her fulfill that dream....what was I thinking?!
This is almost to base camp. It was about a 10 mile hike in.
Me stopping to pose for a picture.
Now it is my husband's turn. We set up base camp, had dinner, talked for a short while but we were freezing so we all went to bed. You should always bring a book or at least a deck of cards when camping. Hmmm. I guess I didn't want to add any more weight to that pack. LOL
Here I am climbing the boulders towards King's Peak. Day two. This was about a 7 mile hike...I think. These pictures don't tell you how hard it really is. I had to keep reminding myself to just take one step at a time and keep going. It felt like we would never get to the top.
But, we did.
This pictures is out of place and I don't seem to be able to make it move to the right place. This is the shoot that was supposedly a "short cut." It was extremely steep and very tricky. I preferred trying to climb down the boulders. Laurie did the "boot skoot" down. The guys liked slipping down the loose shale. This pictures just doesn't do it justice.
The view on the way to the top.
More view.
Even more view.
The gang at the top.
BIL Cory and family.
Kathee with her can of sardines. Kathee and Laurie bunked together and cooked together. Laurie said she wasn't a pickyeater so Kathee brought sardines. We gave Kathee a hard time about this but decided she needed to carry a can to the top so we could have a real celebration.
Here I am braving the sardine on a trisket cracker. Look at Laurie's face...I'm not sure she liked the sardines.
What goes up, must come down so down I went.
This is looking up toward King's peak. See the little dots of the ridge line to the right of the picture? Those are people.
Here is our little tent. The sheep slept all around us that night. We enjoyed watching the sheep dogs and the sheperds herd the sheep.By morning they were blanketed in a heavy frost. Burrrr, it was cold!
Our little camp fire area.
We made it out on day three. We really had a great time and lots of laughs. Wish you all could have been there. Last week we were off to Lake Tahoe. I'll post that next time.


  1. Wow Kim. That is SO. AWESOME. I want to live with you.

    I love the pic of all of you at the top with the sign. And you and the sardine? Ewwww. Don't know if I could try that LOL! Thanks for taking my corn-field bound behind on your adventure!

  2. Whoa! You guys are buff and fit. That looks like a great place. I would be a little freaked out with sheep sleeping all around though. Is that weird? Sardines are yummy.
