Friday, March 14, 2008

Winner of the Spring Earring Giveaway

Tina Mecham won the earring give away. I had my husband pick a number between one and seventeen and he picked 11. I told you I would have Grant choose a winner and he was asleep when I got to checking my blog. So, I will have him pick another winner and we will have two winners.

Tina: Can you email me at so I can get your address and would you tell me which earring you would like to have?


  1. KIM!!!!! You won my blogaversary drawing! I had my son draw names and you win the canvas I made. E-mail me at with your address and I will mail you your prize!

  2. I'm so excited. I won. I can't wait to see what the canvas Abra painted looks like.

  3. Tina: I received your email with your address. I will try and get them mailed tomorrow. I'm glad you are excited to received them.
