Thursday, March 13, 2008

Panoramic Sugar Eggs.

I checked out Abra's blog recently and she talked about making sugar eggs. That reminded me of making them when my children were little. Here is the link to Abra's post: What kind of a name is abra: Panoramic Sugar Eggs. She reminded me that Easter is right around the corner so I decided to get out my Easter decorations right after I read her post. (This is my first link Stephanie, aren't you proud of me?)

These eggs are probably 26 years old. They still look pretty good too. I made them when Candice and Stephanie were little. My husband was getting his Masters degree from Utah State so we lived in Logan. I was pretty lonely there so I took a cake decorating class one night a week at the local mall and learned how to make them as part of the class while my husband babysat. Here is a close up of the inside. We made lots of these and gave them away to people in our area we thought might be a little lonely. We hand delivered them so we could visit for a few minutes. (Usually, we are door bell ditchers because we think door bell ditching is quite fun. My grandchildren like to door bell ditch too. We are carrying on the tradition.)

These eggs are not perfect. It is hard to have a steady hand when you have little hands gripped around the piping bag underneath yours. They loved making icing grass on the inside, adding jelly beans, easter figures, and piping their names on the back. We made them many different Easter seasons but these are the only ones we kept. My daughters are all grown now with babies of their own...I miss those little hands so eager to create with their mom and give joy by sharing what they make with others.

If your babies are still at home, create special moments. The years go so quickly.

P.S. Don't forget to enter my contest. Scroll down until you see the earrings (Monday, March 10, 2008) and then make a comment to enter. Grant promised to chose a winner for me tomorrow after school. Good luck. (OK, Steph...I couldn't figure out how to link back to my own post. lol )


  1. Great post. It does mean so much to the kids to be part of the creating, making something beautiful and sharing it. Can't believe the eggs held up so well! Great job on the internal link.

  2. Yeah Kim!!!! Such blog love! Tell Candace no worries about comments, she is one of those 'famous scrpabookers/
    photographers' Like you said, I love how this blog world creates friends, if we lived close {in the same ward} it would be like those quick catch-up conversations in the hall between classes. My egg classes went well, I am having a third because so many gals wanted to do it. I can't believe your eggs lasted so long. My boys eat them every year, that's why I have to make new ones, it is now one of their favorite traditions. Love your easter decorations!

  3. Hi Kim, I got your message through my recipe blog :) That was very ingenious of you... the weather here is getting gorgeous. Yesterday it was almost 70!!! These easter eggs look like such a fun idea, I may just have to try them.

  4. Those are fancy! If you want someone who is a little clumsy and inexperienced at making fancy things, someone kidlike, I can come make something with you! I miss your kids too!

  5. Gosh Kim! I'm finally getting caught up. Those eggs are adorable! I never did eggs like that with the kids, but we did the little chickens out of the sugar eggs. I always wanted to do the kind of eggs you did -- maybe with the grandkids some day!
