Friday, March 21, 2008

What is New was a week fullllll of work, and so much more. I went to a play at the Hale theatre (She Loves Me) on Monday, Tuesday went to enrichment meeting to tie quilts for those in need, Wednesday night I went to yoga and then went to see "Penelope" with Candice and friends. Thursday night my husband and I had an evening at home together. Candice and I finished our Halloween project. Yeah! I'm dying to show you but I can't. Hopefully, you'll see Candice's next October in Creative Keepsakes.

I'm trying to cram in all the memories I can before the kids move to NYC on Monday. Grant, Cole, and I walked the dog to school today to drop Grant off for his last day of school. Grant forgot his backpack so I to come home and Cole and I brought it back to school. Cole and I then played a game of baseball together. It was such a nice day. Not really warm but the sun was shining. I've missed the sun this winter. This evening we took the kids to the bookstore to buy new stuffed animals. They wanted to be able to create a pet on the computer and you have to buy the stuffed animal to get the code. (Great marketing ploy...wonder how I can incorporate something like that.) We ate at the cougareat afterwards. Everyone got to get whatever they wanted. Great fun and everyone is happy.

So, long week, full of all kinds of things. There were some not so nice things too but I'm not going to dwell on those. Who wants to hear about those things?


  1. Uh-oh. Sorry about the not so nice things. The nice things sounded really nice though. Have a good weekend and Happy Easter with those grandsons!

  2. it does sound busy! enjoy the weekend, though. {and those webkinz are pure evil;0)}

  3. Hey, Kim. I hadn't visited your blog for some time and I've missed visiting with you since our walking schedule has been disrupted so I've spent the morning catching up. I also dropped in on the girls and Brett. You truly are a talented family. You bless my life with your friendship.
    Love you,
    Woops, had to use Dave's account.
