Sunday, March 23, 2008

Easter Sunday

Here is Grant trying to find eggs on Easter morning before church.
Here is Cole looking for Easter Eggs.

Another picture of Cole.

Here are the kids at Great Grandma and Grandpa Borup's house. Grant and Cole are in the front and Will and Reuben (Shawn, Brett's sister's kids.) It is time for another hunt and the afternoon was warm and beautiful.

Here is what the adults did while the kids looks for eggs.

Here is Cole saying where do I find the eggs? He is a little young for the skater look but look how cute he looks with his boxers hanging out. Too funny.

Below Will looks really excited.
Here is Grant still looking for eggs.

We took a few minutes to get pictures with the Great Grandparents. Cole is giving Grandpa a kiss on the cheek.

Here they are with all the kids. They were having fun.

Another peek.

Brett's sister Kelly and her kids, Amy and Skyler.

A picture of Byron and Margrett Borup. My husband's parents. We love that they moved up here from CA a year ago. Oh, and I can't forget Max the dog.

Mark flew in from New York last night. Here are Candice and Mark in a typical candid since Candice almost always has a camera in her hand.

Here they are posing for me. We are going to miss them. New York is so far away.

Happy Easter everyone!


  1. Have a wonderful Easter Sunday!

    kari & kijsa

  2. It looks like you had a wonderful Easter Sunday Kim! Where are the little girls LOL! It's fun to see a picture of Candace too!

  3. Your Family is soo beautiful..Your Easter looked like it was blessed.
    Thank you so much for replying to my digicollage post. You 'won' a digi creation by me.. just let me know what you would like.

  4. Everyone looks so happy! I'm glad y'all had such a nice Easter. You can tell Candice and Mark are so happy to be together again, too. I love that!
