Monday, November 5, 2012

Halloween Mantel 2012

 I know that you haven't heard from me in awhile.  I didn't get up my Halloween decorations until a couple of weeks before Halloween but I thought you might like to see them.  My husband took a few photos for me so I could take down the decorations.  My theme for this year...The Curiosity Shoppe.  You know...things you might buy at the store if you were a witch.  I like how it turned out.  What do you think?
 These are just a few of the decorations.  I'm into instagram these fast and easy.  I keep up with all my kids that way and it is a quick way for me to post and keep them informed as well.
I've given notice at work and will work until the end of November.  I'm trying to be responsible and not go crazy finishing out our last big event... the last Breaking Dawn Premiere.  I'm hoping to get projects done and help Candice with posts on her blog.  Life is full of changes...including being called as the new Relief Society President (a women's organization in The Church Of Jesus Christ Of Latter-Day Saints).  So, here's to life and the challenges placed in our path.

What have you been up to lately?  I'd love to hear.


  1. Welcome to the club (I'm the RSP in my ward in Boston). I have a card for you; would you email me your address (!?

  2. Woohoo! You're still out there! Sounds like big changes in store for you in the next year. I hope that also means you'll be popping in here a bit more? ;-D (Your mantel is beautiful, as always!)
