Sunday, February 19, 2012

Valentine's Party

 I had my traditional Valentine exchange party February 7.  Here are a few of the potluck goodies everyone brought.  I made Stephanie's slider sandwiches.  They are so good.
 I snapped pictures of everyone as they know candid shots...don't shot me guys. 

 We had so much fun visiting as we ate.  I found many interesting things about everyone that we are not supposed to be revealed to others.  Needless to say, it was good for a lot of laughs.
 Here is my little Brenna and what she made for all of us.

 Cari made lip gloss and lotion for everyone.  Isn't she adorable?

 Corene made velvet cake in a jar.  It was yummy.

 She also added a tablet and pen so after the cake is gone, you can add your favorite sayings from your kids.
 Dana made these cute heart frames with hearts cute from Pride and Prejudice.
 I even had a heart that has Pemberley and Mr. Darcy on it.

 Emily made these "bird on a wire" pillows. 
 A couple of close up pictures.
 And, look at the cute material on the back.
 Heidi made these balls out of crepe paper.  She said it takes a large roll of crepe paper to make one.

 Brenna is going to make a little Valentine tree by adding a dowel and putting it in a pot.  I am going to add ribbon and use it as a kissing ball.
 Jill gave us decorated notebooks and encouraged us to write love notes to a spouse or one of our children and present it to them next year.  She also added fresh scented body wash.
 I used vintage sheet music (1926) and added a heart in an Ikea frame.
 Leslee had Eli cut some metal at the machine shop and made recipe holders and magnets for each of us.
 Her presentation is always amazing so I thought I'd take pictures so you could see for yourself.

 It came complete with a Salsa recipe that she brought for us to sample.  Yum.
 My birthday was the next day for everyone surprised me with a gift card to Hobby Lobby, a home made cake, a delectable cupcake, and these book full of Eli and Brenna's wedding pictures.  I love it.
We had so much fun and went home with lots of decorations and memories.  You should have one of your own.

1 comment:

  1. Happy Belated Birthday! It looks like another very successful Valentine party. And it looks like all of your friends are all internet saavy too -- very cute goodies!
