Sunday, September 11, 2011

Summer Activities- Where did the time go?

After our trip to Alaska (I was really proud of myself and gathered pictures from my family to make a book on Blurb.  I'm still waiting for my books to arrive.  I can't wait to see how it turned out.  I am not very good at technology so I'm proud of myself for figuring out how to do it.  Of course my husband had the best pictures.), we were off to Texas for Cole's baptism.  He wanted to go to the Rain Forest afterward so that is what we did.
 Waiting to be seated.
 Papa and the birthday boy.  (All these pictures were taken with my phone...some are better than others.)
 The Provo 4th of July parade.  Always entertaining.  This is my brother and his wife and new grandson.
 The Borup's celebrating.
 Yogi bear balloon.
 Oops, some caves we went to in Texas with the Stringhams.  So very fun.
 I went back to Texas for the birth of Sebastian.
 Than we went to Sundance one night to see the Blue Bird Cafe with Eli and Brenna and our friends the Wilkeys.
 Mid July I hosted a Harry Potter Premiere.  These are a few of the attendees after the show.  We had a blast.

 I snapped a picture of Halloween decor at Dear Lizzie this week.  I'm just looking don't worry.  I have too much Halloween already.

We went to the Sound of Music at Sundance with my brother Dave and his wife Leslie.  They had a sing along during the breaks which were fun.  Dave and I were in the Sound of Music several times growing up.  It was great to relive those memories.

(Creed after his soccer game.  He's showing off a moth/butterfly that someone caught and let him hold.)

We spent a week in Lake Tahoe with my parents, attended a few more plays at the Hale theatre in Orem, and have enjoyed Creed's soccer games.  We went to a family reunion and other family events, finished our remodel, and are now busy trying to get sprinklers in, plant some sod, and plant 10 more box woods.  We have a long way to go but we are making progress.  I worked in my MIL's booth at Swiss Days again Labor day weekend.  She received another award so is planning on doing it again next year.  I also worked Labor day at the Sheep dog festival.  It felt so good to stay home Friday and clean house and catch up on the laundry.  Life is great and very full.  I'm off soon to Canada for the next grand baby.  We are blessed.  The best part of my life...sharing it all with  my amazingly talented husband.

1 comment:

  1. Holy Cow Woman -- no wonder you haven't been around on the blog much. And was Alaska this year? I can't wait until we have grandchildren, but I'm not sure I'll be able to handle it -- I feel like I'm never going to get caught up -- I can't imagine keeping up with YOUR schedule. Well Done!!!
