Monday, January 24, 2011

St. George Quilt Retreat

This is Megan's quilt. She pieced the entire top, marked the quilting lines, and based the quilt for hand quilting. It's going to be fabulous. She does amazing quilting. She loved to buy old quilt tops or blocks and reinvent or quilt them as they are. A very talented woman.
The week before last I was off to St. George to quilt with 6 other women. Sharon is so nice to share her vacation home with all of us. We sew, quilt, shop for fabric, go for walks, visit, and eat. It was a very fun 5 days.

I needed a little sun therapy even if it wasn't very warm. I enjoyed sewing in front of the window and feeling the warmth of the sun through the window. Yum!

The above picture is Rosemary sewing. This pictures show Carol Ford, Mary Jo Roberts, Megan Lagoff, and Francine Barrett. See that red light in the middle of the picture. Sharon bought us each one from IKEA. They are the best light...small, flexible, and bright. We all loved them. If you sew, you would probably love one too. They are great.
Carol Ford
This is the quilt I was working on. I had to send a picture to my husband so he could see what I was working on. It's almost finished. I'm working on a pieced border. My goal is to finish the top by the end of February. There...I said hold me to it will ya?
Sharon is on the right and that is one of her amazing quilts hanging on the wall.
I know some people wouldn't consider this fun but we all love it. It is amazing how much we learn from each other too. The group changes from year to year and it's nice to get to know new people. (I took these pictures with my cell phone but should have taken picture on everyone's projects. What was I thinking? I do have a new Evo phone and am loving all the things I can do with take pictures and emailing them to my computer without having to sync anything. I'm actually getting into my phone technology which is not like me at all. I'm spreading my wings in 2011.)

There are lots of fabric stores around so we take daily field trips to check them out. This year I wasn't going to buy any but was too tempted when I went to a store that had rows of fabric 75% off. I bought enough Halloween fabric to make 7 pillow cases for my grandbabies. They are all made and ready for Halloween.

Last week it was back to work at Alpine Home Care and Hospice, I taught a healthy living class at church on Tuesday night, and had a dinner party Friday night for about 40 people. I tried to catch up on cleaning, add some Valentine decorations to the house. I'm also on my 5th physical therapy visit for a pulled hamstring. Hmm, no wonder I never get to my sewing room. (My sewing machine is still sitting where I placed it when I got home from St. George.)

There probably won't be any sewing going on this week either. I've got to work on a Valentine craft to teach in Relief Socity at church and make something to exchange for the Valentine's parties coming up.

I did get my invitations out today. Electronic invitations that I figured out how to do all by myself. It's part of my be brave and figure it out goal for 2011. I think it even worked. :)

I hope you get a chance to do something you love this week.


  1. Ok, now, this is no was to get that gorgeous top done by February! You need to Just. Say. No. That's how I'll hold you to it -- I'll just nag you to quit being nice to everyone else and to do something for YOU! ;-) I love that pink and brown quilt at the beginning.

  2. Hooray you are posting again! I love you and miss you Mom.
    P.S. You can never have too many quilts in Canada, hint hint!
