Thursday, April 22, 2010

I'm Back...sort of

I'm almost back to blogging. Can it really have been over a month since I've posted? I'm so busy living (make that surviving) life that blogging has been on the back burner. I do have lots of pictures and hope my life will calm down enough to post.

Here's a list of what has been happening:

Eli's surgery went well and he's almost back to normal. He finished finals yesterday and is working on wedding plans, finding an apartment, etc. I think he should finally clean out his room and I mean really dejunk. I'm hoping to not get stuck with a real mess after he moves out. I bet I get stuck with his drum set though. Who has room for that in a small apartment?

Our addition is coming along. They put down the floor joists, subfloor, and framed the walls today. Progress. Yipee. I hope we aren't making any mistakes and I'm still trying to make lots of decisions about flooring, lighting, etc.

I spent a week in Texas with Candice. We spent a few days at Round Top. I promised her I would post pictures since we only took my camera and I have all the pictures. We found lots of interesting things and even bought some great things...I hope. I have a vision in my head of how to incorporate them into our new addition. Sometimes my visions and reality don't jive though... if you know what I mean. I'm having the things I bought shipped I hope. There is a lot of trust involved. You buy things make a detailed list of what and where to pick up the things you bought and hope the shipping company picks everything up and actually gets them delivered to you in a timely manner and in good condition. It's a bit scary. I still have my fingers crossed that everything will work out. I do have pictures of the things I purchased and may never see again.

We decided to tackle Candice's living room while I was there. Wait until you see pictures of that. It is most unique but I think cool. We bought fabric that I only had time to make curtains out of. We primed and painted, added book pages to the wall, changed out the lighting, and found some new furniture and rug. I think we even stayed on budget. Candice is a good little designer. I think she could do it for a living. (She still hasn't posted pictures of her family room that we did the last trip I made. That room I really love.) So, this trip I snapped a few pictures but they weren't good. I may post them anyway just so you can see how great it is.

After that week, I came how and caught up with work and spent time with Marissa and kids who were visiting from Florida for her BIL's wedding. I then flew home with her to help get her home. We hung pictures at her house, refinished two dressers, spent a night in the ER with Logan who had an attack of Croup, went to the beach and the Everglades.

This week I played catch up at work again. OK...I'm not really caught up but closer.

My house is a wreck, the laundry pile is gigantic, but tomorrow is another day and I hope to get some things crossed off my "To Do" list. One can always hope but I have to tell you that the list is HUGE! Here's to connecting back to the planet after being caught in a whirlwind.

Please tell me that mine isn't the only life out of control. Everyone else seems to have it so together.


  1. Glad to have you back...I have been away from blogging as well and like you, a whole month went by like a whisp of smoke. I think that we all can be forgiven for letting things get the better of us from time to time.

  2. Yay! Your blogging again! I can't wait to see all the photographs.

  3. Holy Cow Woman! You need a REST!!! At least it sounds like you've been having a good time. Glad to hear Eli is almost better. How long until the wedding? And what is Round Top? ;-)
