Monday, March 8, 2010

More Oliver Adventures

Creed and I played pirates while we were waiting for Steph and Larry and baby Oliver to come home from the hospital. Creed wanted to keep his pirate treasures so he could play pirates with his mom. I did ask for permission before I let him wear it home.

I think his pirate name was Creedi.
Candice flew up from Texas to photograph the newborn. I tried to be her assistant. Who knew that photography a newborn could be so hard? He woke up every time we tried to do anything. We turned the heat way up so he would be warm and comfortable...the rest of us were roasting. OK, Larry used the word sweating but that's just gross right?
Candice enjoying a few minutes of baby holding since her baby is 6.
Isn't this the best picture ever? I love it.
Candice trying to work her magic. I forgot this lens didn't have auto focus.

These are just a few of the pictures. Candice used my camera for these shots so I swiped them off my card. To see more of Oliver click here. To see the amazing pictures that Candice took of Creed click here.

I feel so blessed to have spent over a week with most of my babies. Oh, and did I tell you the baby's name is Oliver Danger so he could say, "Danger is my middle name?"


  1. Those grandbabies are SO cute Kim! Looks like you and Candace had lots of fun. I was wondering how you got Oliver to always be sleeping in his pictures!

  2. My youngest grands are 2yrs old. I miss the new babies. The pictures are adorable. I love the pirate outfit too.

  3. Those pictures are so precious!!! What a sweetie. I am so happy for you guys!

    Thanks for the suggestions -- We did go to the swap meet. It was very fun. I think we are going to the Polynesian Cultural Center tomorrow :)


  4. Kim, take the time to visit her. I missed out with my Dad and still regret it. It is weird as it's like we were two old woman visiting (my mom was almost 19 when she had me).

  5. Way to cute for words, you must be so proud!
