Sunday, February 14, 2010

Stephanie's 2010 Valentine's Party

Steph made lots of sugar cookies and had three different kinds of icing...vanilla, strawberry, and creme cheese. Every one was able to make and decorate sugar cookies to eat and take home.
Two kinds of sugar cookies no less.
Steph even had fruit for those of us not eating sugar. Yum. And here is her hostess flower bouquet.
Of course you know how Steph always has to color coordinate her drinks and straws. She even provided those cute little baskets for us to take our gifts home in. Notice this year's Valentine pictures in the frames. She's a very clever girl.
Creed sampling the fruit.
A close up of the flower arrangement.
Lots of different toppings to decorate the sugar cookies.
Creed coming back for more.

Annie checking out the fruit.
There was lots of visiting. (And yes, Steph is due Feb. 27. We think she will come early. That baby boy has already dropped. Any ideas for names? They are still trying to decide what to call him.)
And here is a picture of all the things everyone brought to exchange. So much fun! Steph had everyone do speed dating to exchange gifts. Each person visited for about 3 minutes, exchanged gifts, and then moved on to someone else until you talked to everyone.
Melinda brought a little loaf of bread with honey butter.
Eva forgot to bring hers and so we will each receive a Valentine surprise in the mail. Since she owns Sycamore Street Press, I'm hoping it's something letter pressed.
My husband gave me a little embossing/letter press machine for Christmas so I decided to use it to make my Valentine gift. I made a variety of cards. (I forgot that Eva would be there so I was a little embarrassed to present her with my attempt at letter press.) I also made a ribbon book mark with metal finding crimped on and bead/pearls wired on the end.

Lisa, above, made these magnets. So cool!
Annie used wool roving that she dyed to cover a bar of soap. It works as an exfolient and is supposed to have antibacterial properties.

How sweet is this cupcake with rolled fondant roses? Marta made these.

Rachael made these pins that she learned how to make from the internet. I think I want to try my hand at these.
Faith made a variety of pins. Mine is pictured above and Faith is pictured below.

This is a closeup of Rachael's pin.

Steph made surprise balls. Want to see what is inside? I'll show you. It took forever to make each one. I believe it too because it was a bit of work to get it unwrapped. You should have seen the confetti fly when I unwrapped that layer.

Stephanie also made a miniature heart garland and included that in each ball. Unfortunately, she ended up with one ball where the garland was left out. It just happened to be mine but I'm going to collect because I know where she lives. Hee Hee A list of surprises: heart garland, confetti, heart stickers, a heart balloon, a candy necklace, 4 heart shaped paper clips, two Dove heart shaped chocolates, a popper, a heart shaped ring, 4 heart shaped brads, a heart shaped tablet, and a bottle of red finger nail polish. Notice the giant ball of crate paper.

Two girls gave felt fortune cookies.

Amanda made this fortune cookie.
Liz gave little flower pots.
I haven't planted my little plant yet. It's in a tiny little pot. It's so nice to grow things in the dead of winter. It gives me hope that spring will come.
Thank you Steph for inviting me to come and be with you and all of your friends. Read Steph's post here.

I hope all of you had a happy Valentine's day. I had a wonderful day with my sweetheart.

I'll post pictures of my party soon.


  1. What fun when friends come together for a celebration. Love all the gifts, so creative.

  2. Ohmygosh. I want to be your neighbor. Or Steph's. She's SO talented -- what a super cool idea. Your cards look beautiful - I'm sure they were perfect. And I LOVE LOVE LOVE those balls that Stephanie made -- what a fantastic idea!!!
