Monday, January 18, 2010

Christmas Posts continued

Steph, Larry, and Creed spent Christmas Eve with us so we could all be together Christmas morning. It was Mike's turn for Christmas at his parents house (rats) so they came over later and we opened more presents together. Creed had wanted this yellow bug for the longest time. He was so excited to get it for Christmas.
Larry always got a beef log for Christmas growing up so we helped him carry on the tradition and even added in specialty cheeses. Hey... to each his own. I know it is a unique tradition but we don't judge at our house...well...we try not to anyway.
This is a remote control car from us. It had a steering wheel as the remote so was great fun to control. Check out Steph's blog for more pictures and details and also here for more holiday activities.
This is Christmas dinner. We tried to set a record for staying in our Christmas PJ's all Christmas day. Larry set the record I think. It might have been Creed. Marissa and Mike got dressed before they came over. Spoil sports...I think they should have come over in PJ's too.
A close up of the sparkling table decor. (It's decked out for Valentine's day now. I love it. I even set the table and am all ready for the Valentine's dinner I don't have planned yet. Hey...setting the tablescape is a lot more fun that preparing food.)
We even had Christmas crackers this year. They were tons of fun. Each one had a whistle/flute with a number and so you could play songs together. It took us a few tries before you could recognize any of the songs. We really liked our paper crowns too.
Marissa and Logan checking out the Christmas songs and the Frosty place mat.
Creed trying out his new silver ware.
Larry trying to figure out how to open his "cracker."
Logan playing with his whistle instead of eating. He doesn't like to eat anyway. He didn't inherit that trait from me or his "Papa." We love food!
Larry is always cracking us up. Can't remember what he was up to. And yes, he really is a doctor. We have quite a few entertainers in our family between Marissa, Mark, Larry, and Cole. Larry is famous for making my husband laugh so hard that he literally passed out. Really...that pulling up your grandpa pants to your armpits while doing a little jig WAS hilarious...and now Larry is famous for that in our family. Hee Hee. Unfortunately for you all. I think I still have a few more Christmas posts up my sleeve before I catch up to the present. It's OK, you don't have to read them.


  1. What a fun family you have Kim! Larry looks like lots of fun -- I'm thinking you could get some mileage out of that photo of the Dr. trying to figure out the cracker!

  2. love the blog. looks like you all had a great time. miss you.

  3. Haha, so this is Larry, I hope he gets the job in Infectious Disease. Is he in union suit? I didn't notice, but Becky, at the front desk did. Haha. He looks funny. Meaning a funny personality. Tell him he needs to work in Gastroeterology.

    Your blog is so cute.
