Sunday, January 24, 2010

My Favorite Kind of Christmas Gift - Part 2

My favorite kind of gift Candice has been giving me yearly. I display them on my end table in the living room so that I can look at them all the time. (They measure a good gift by watching me and seeing if I get choked up. I do love a gift with meaning.) This is the book from 2007. Candice spent a lot of time putting together a book for me and the other kids all contributed.

Cole looks a lot like Campbell in this picture.
All the kids wrote a little note to be dinclude in the book.
Candice filled the book full of quotes. I love a good quote!
Last year she gave a book that included this picture. Love it! I think I need a big one of this one to frame and put in our new addition.
This was a picture we used on our Christmas card last year. Grant (age 8) took the photos for us.
The book in the background is the cover for the 2008 book. I just gave you a little sampling of the pictures.
Here are some pictures from this year's book. I really, really, love this kind of gift.
I think it is great that Candice included a little history of the year. Here is the picture of the newly engaged couple at Lake Tahoe after church.
(I can't figure out why these pictures turned...sorry.) This picture is of the Fords up at Sundance. Yes, Candice is willing to do all kinds of things for a good photograph.
Here is one of the pictures of the Garners. Candice even got a picture of Logan wearin' his cowboy boots.
The Stringhams had to include their dog, Dickens, on their family page along with a picture of their family on the Brooklyn bridge. They loved their time living in NYC. They had lots of adventures. Love it! Don't you?
A picture of Cole and Grant. Look at that cute pumpkin smile and Cole reminds me of Cary Grant.
The family all together at Lake Tahoe. (Again, I can't figure out why blogger turned the picture. Weird.)

Isn't this your favorite kind of gift too? It certainly helps that Candice is a very talented photographer, if I don't say so myself. Now if I can just get her to start blogging again so I can see more amazing pictures of my grandchildren. How about it Candice?

OK, I love home made gifts and gifts that you put thought into as well. My husband really surprised me this year with a hand letter press kits. It may not have been something he made himself but he really did put some thought into it. (Good job Mikey!) I used it to make book marks for the young men and young women in our ward and have big plans to use it again this week to make things for Steph's Valentines party.

I'll post my great presents from my other children soon. Needless to say, I had a great Christmas and not just because of the gifts.


  1. Wow Kim! Those books look amazing! You have such incredibly talented children. I LOVE that picture of you two and Grant and Cole with your umbrellas. That umbrella idea was the coolest idea ever! Candace would make a lot of people happy if she would start blogging again too. (Oh -- the 2009 book looks like a bound book? Can you tell us what company Candace uses?)
