Monday, August 10, 2009

I'm Way Behind on Posts...Women's Conference

Tiaras and wands...because everyone wants to be a princess. Aren't these cute?
I was going through my camera card and found these pictures I don't think I shared with you. Last May my sister came up for women's conference. They always have a huge service project as a part of women's conference. We picked making wands and tiara's/crowns. These were the "worker" bees modeling for us.

The things we were making were going to women's shelters, etc. I think any little girl would love to get these.

This is my sister Cheryl modeling. I wish she kept a blog. It would be so entertaining. She cracks me up. (She does the best imitation of the Cowardly Lion from the Wizard of Oz.)
Look at all these tutu's. There were mountains of them.
And...lots of tiny baby dolls.
Sorry... but here is a blurry closeup.
Here I am with my sister and her friend Vicki.
And here is the entire group.
We had so much fun eating, visiting, catching up on each others' lives, enjoying classes on parenting and other topics, giving service, having time away from the stresses of life, and attending the concert on campus. We've done this for years now.


  1. That looks like so much fun Kim -- what a great project! Did they let you keep a want and tiara? ;-)

  2. I love those little babies!! I am so enjoying your blog, thanks for taking the time to stop by mine. I would love to have a vist with friends like that.

    Enjoy your day,

