Saturday, July 4, 2009

Happy Fourth of July!

Here are a few pictures of our Fourth of July adventures. In order to get a spot for the family, we take turns at the parade sight. The older teenagers usually spent the night along with whatever adult draws the short straw. It is party central all along the parade route. The parade wouldn't be the same without all the men making funny quips. Weston ran out and offered a kid $5 if he would play a solo while matching with his band. Eli and Brenna above. All my kids were home with the exception of Candice and Mark. They just barely moved to San Antonio. She called though so she could feel a part of the action.
Steph and Creed. We always bring along snacks. (Every year we think it is too much hassle to go and save a place. This year we said it would be our last year but after being at the parade today, we decided that it is too much fun to miss.)
Our "All American" boy.
Here is part if the gang watching the pre parade. Actually the pre-parade is almost more fun than the real thing. It the parade with the quirky real people.
Logan and Creed showing their patriotism. Is there anything sweeter? They loved the parade and were very good since it is about 2 hours long.
Great crowd fotos...not.
Didn't take many pictures of the parade but here is a float...
(more family and friend pictures),
A balloon....
and a pirate ship. Then it was back to the house to get ready for the BBQ.
We had 32 people over today. Byron and Margrett my DH's parents. This will be our last Fourth of July with Byron. He has terminal cancer so we are trying to make all the memories we can.
This is the BBQ spot. This area used to be my garden but we have too much shade now. Notice my empty pots. Somehow I haven't purchased one plant for my yard yet. There just aren't enough hours in the day.
Welcome to our backyard.
OK, this is after we ate. Hey, we were starving so the pictures had to wait so no nice pictures of the food and the presentation.
I found new outdoor furniture at Costco. It was the last one so it was marked down $350. I had been searching and searching. I feel so lucky to have gotten it. (Two chairs, two ottomans, a stone coffee table, and a couch, 12 thick cushions, and six throw pillows. I love it. With something comfortable to sit on, we can spend more evenings in the backyard. I can't wait until my husband hangs the outdoor light I bought last year. I'm now on the hunt for an affordable outdoor rug. Costco had some but they were ugly.)

Larry and Steph.
Mike and Marissa who flew in from Texas last night.
Eli and girlfriend Brenna.
Margrett and niece Whitney.
Logan in the treehouse. I just love that hair.
The treehouse was a hit along with croquet and bocce ball.
My DH aka the BBQ man.

Thomas dishing up the Italian ice for dessert. Oh yes, he owns Tomasso's in Riverwoods so he brought dessert. Yum!
See what I mean? Don't you want some too?
and me enjoying my Italian ice and my new chairs.
Part of the Forth of July decor.

Happy Forth of July Everyone! It's off to the fireworks next.


  1. Wow...looks like it was a total success over in your neck of the woods. This is what it's all about. LOVE the new Costco ourdoor furniture. : )

  2. It looks like you all had a wonderful holiday Kim. I love that first pic of Eli and Brenna!

  3. Wow! My parents keep telling me that we need to take the kids down to the Provo parade- maybe next year. Looks like you had a great holiday.

  4. It was fun seeing how you celebrated the 4th. This is one of my favorite holidays. Love to decorate with the red, white, and blue.
