Wednesday, May 27, 2009

The Princess Party

Sorry you haven't heard from me in awhile. I was in Hawaii last week, entertained family on Monday, and jumped right in to catch up with work. So, instead of showing pictures of Hawaii, I'll post about our Young Women activity tonight.

The Beehives and MiaMaids decided to have a princess party for our young women activity tonight. They wanted to dress up, have dinner on real china, eat pasta, salad, bread sticks, have pie for dessert, and watch the DVD of Cinderella with Brandy as Cinderella. (We, the leaders, were hoping it was the old Cinderella we watched as kids.) Here are pictures of the table setting. Would you feel like a princess eating at this table? I hope so. It was fun.
We had to have two tables. I wish I had a bigger dining room table. I'm always in need. Well, while I'm wishing...some dining room chairs would be nice too. I hope my fairy godmother is listening...hint, hint. OK, I don't have a fairy godmother so I might just have to save up on my own. Rats.
the place setting. My china was purchased at a garage sale at Lake Tahoe. ($35 for a full set of 12 place settings, along with a platter and other pieces. Not my favorite but you can't beat the price.) The silverware we got as a Christmas present from my in-laws. (It's so nice to have matching silverware. After 32 years of marriage, we really needed some. Who knows where all those pieces disappear to? Maybe they run off to date the socks. They always seem to disappear too.)
I like to layer the centerpieces. That is why there is a cake plate and square glass vases upside down on the table.
Bows and Bunting.
I put a swag of fabric from corner to corner and through the chandelier. I just tack it up with clear thumbtacks right into the ceiling. You can't even tell there are any wholes when you take them down.
Lots of can't go wrong with candles.

Princess Mischele. The Beehive leader and partner in crime. OK, we never have committed any crimes but we have had lots of fun together.
The Princesses enjoying their dinner.

That is Rachael on the end. I think that is the only picture I got of her. I'm posting this so the girls can see pictures of their activity.
Dinner buffet style.
Princess Claire. I thought I posted everyone's pictures but I seem to have ended up with just Claire's.
They had fun watching the Cinderella movie. This gives you at least a taste of the movie. We had pie that the girls made before the movie and rootbeer floats after the movie. They only have two more days of school so we were celebrating that too.


  1. Such beauty! What a lot of work went into making this a perfect Cinderella party.
    That's an amazing find you stumbled upon in Lake Tahoe! Lucky you.
    And as for the old Cinderella with Leslie Ann Warren...I found the DVD recently at Beall's Outlet, in case you have any of those stores in your area. : )

  2. What a fun leader you are! The party looks perfect -- such a great idea. Now I hope you can get some rest! ;-)

  3. Very sparkly and pretty - love it! Linda

  4. That is DEFINITELY a princess table... LOVELY!!!

  5. Kim...this is a stunning table! It just sparkles and I love all the candlelight! What a steal on your pretty china! The girls really look like Princesses...what a beautiful table and lovely party!
    P.S. I'm remembering the swag it!
