Monday, April 6, 2009

A Whole Lotta Fun!

We almost made it in time for the initial paint throw at the Krishna Temple in Spanish Fork. This is what the initial cloud looked like. Steph posted more details and pictures on her blog so check there if you want the details. We took some pictures and then hurried over to share in the fun.
Steph and Larry had purchased the colored chalk for us so we could join in.
Here is part of our group after the fun.
Steph and Larry. They left Creed with relatives. All that chalk has got to be bad for the lungs.
The crowd was huge! Everyone was dancing and chanting/singing and throwing paint. It was like being a little kid again and having a food fight or mud fight. It took us forever to get there in the traffic and then we had to park more than a mile away. We weren't even sure we wanted to go but didn't want to miss out on an adventure with Steph and Larry. They always are having fun. Next year we will go early. It was that fun!
We hurried off to a BYU men's volleyball game. Hopefully, we will be able to stay longer next year. What adventures have you been having?
Pretty crazy, huh?

1 comment:

  1. There's a Krishna temple in Spanish Fork??? You guys are NUTS!!!
