Tuesday, March 3, 2009

My Trip to NYC

I had such a great time babysitting Grant and Cole. Candice and Mark took us to Max Brenner for a yummy chocolaty treat. Yes, I did eat some. That is my plate to the left. Yum, it is so good.
Grant had waffles with fruit.
Cole loves dogs so we went on dog hunts. He thinks this is Underdog. Underdog didn't want to pose for the camera though.
This was the duck wallpaper border that I stripped off while the kids were at their one day of school. They were out on winter vacation for most of the time. It made it ever so much more fun. We could even spend the day in our PJ's.
cole took this shot. We were on a photo scavenger hunt. It was so cold, I had to think of something so try and get them out of the house.
We had fun playing in the park.
Cole looks thrilled doesn't he. I think he really did have a fun time.
Grant loved doing this. (I found out afterward that his mom doesn't let him climb this tree. oops!)
Grant created his own stick spider web. Unique and we he had fun doing it.

Here's Candice's Amy Butler bag that I made and brought to her.
After Candice got back, we spent a couple of days together before I went home. We found Rachael Ashwell's store. They had a linen slip covered couch that I loved.
We all went to see Shrek the Musical. It was really good. I loved it. Cole sat on my lap and was mesmerized. Between scenes he clapped so hard and enthusiastically, that that alone made the the evening. They both got "Shrek the Musical" hats. Cole hardly took it off.

My last day, Candice and I went to visit Matt. One of his jobs is working for Michael Feinstein, a famous pianist/singer. Michael was out of town and Matt took us for a tour of the billion dollar brownstown. It was so amazing. I loved, loved, loved, the whole experience. I didn't take any pictures of the interior except for these with Matt. (Candice did though. I think it's been in Arch. Digest though. I felt like I was intruding.) They do have incredible antiques, hollywood memorabillia, and artwork. Hey, there were three original Picasso's in one bathroom alone. Yes, the bathroom.
Here is Candice and Matt.
Any number of famous people haven sat on these very chairs. Liza Minelli, Barbra Streisand...OK, I'm not really into name dropping and I don't even know how to spell their names. Take it from me though...it was great.
Here is the outside of the brownstone. They recently redid the whole front of the building. It used to be two different brownstones. Michael owned one and when the one next door became available, he bought it up. They then remodeled and joined the two sides together adding arched doorways, a master suite, a full new kitchen, etc. I loved it and spending the morning with Matt, Andy and Candice. After the tour, we went out together for brunch. Then, Candice and I met up with Sarah, another friend, to go through a few antique stores before we had to run home to pick up the boys from school.

I almost got to stay another month. We bought the airline ticket online and somehow didn't notice that my return trip was for Wednesday, March 25 not Wednesday, February 25. Luckily Delta changed my ticket without charge. I was a little worried there for a minute.

Since returning home, I've hit the ground running. Hence, the lack of blog posts. I don't know how you all keep up with everything. Clue me in would you?


  1. Looks like you had a great time Kim -- especially with the Brownstone tour -- how fun! Where is Rachel Aswell's shop? Is it worth going to? You're so lucky Delta didn't charge you -- when I went to NYC with my peeps, one of them made the same mistake -- they made her buy a whole new one-way ticket!

  2. How lucky! It sounds like you had a wonderful trip. I love that bag you made. So cute!


  3. Sounds like you had a fantastic trip. I'm so jealous!! And Michael Feinstein? Wow...
