Sunday, February 1, 2009

Quilting in St. George

Where have I been you asked? I've been busy trying to accomplish something to post about on my blog. (All work and no play makes for boring blogs unless you are a decorator/designer. Then everyone wants to see what you are doing.)

A group of women went to St. George to my friend, Sharon Wright's, second home. This is the second year I was invited. It was so great to make new friends, eat out, shop in all the local quilt stores, and bask in the sunshine. My how I loved exercising outside in the sun and sitting in the jacuzzi under the stars at midnight. Ahhh, I'm ready to go again.

The cupcake was made by Lisa. She made us all cupcake pincushions out of felted sweaters. I love pincushions. I put it next to the one Steph made for me last year.

This is Carol Ford with one of the many projects she finished.
Joann was new to quilting but I think she's caught the bug.
Leslie and Lisa stayed at their mom's house but came over and played with us all day.
This is the log cabin quilt I worked on. It is almost finished. I started it last year in St. George. I laid it out on Sharon's bed to figure out how much longer I had to make the borders. I'm strip piecing 1 1/2" strips with a log cabin block in each corner. I think there are at least 1500 pieces in this King size quilt. The pictures above the bed are two of my husbands she bought and had framed. She has several others in this house too. (What a nice supporter of the arts.) :)
A little closer view of the quilt top.
We moved all the furniture out of the living room and this is where we have all the fun.
Here is Sharon. She is a master quilter. This is the back of the quilt she is working on. The binding has piping and is very detailed going around hexigons on the outside edge. Sorry, I didn't take a picture of the whole quilt for you to see. What was I thinking?
My friend, Mary Jo Roberts is in the background in the purple shirt. We drove down together on Tuesday and came back on Friday. We had soooo much fun. It was such a nice break.


  1. Looks like a fun time. I miss my friends.I love the quilts.... I do very, very simple quilts and would like to do more, but when. Hey, are you still in YW? Have you thought about a banner with the YW colors?

  2. Ha! You're Ahhhh-live!!! Did you see my auntie down there (she lives there in the winter) LOL??? Looks like you girlies had a great time. I LOVE that pincushion!

  3. Oh this looks like a TON of fun. I have no patience with sewing machines but my sister is CRAZY about quilting! Love that log cabin desing :)
