Saturday, January 3, 2009

What are your New Year's Goals?

We are still getting lots of snow. I think with the winter weather people are reluctant to put Christmas away. I made the plunge today. It's almost all put away. It now looks so empty. Hmm, it must be time to work on some home improvement projects. I always love those. I can't decide which one to tackle first though.

I'm still working on my new year's goals. What are yours? I'd really like to hear about them. Maybe it will get me inspired. I want to audit a class at BYU this semester. I've taken lots. A nice benefit you can get if you or your spouse teach at BYU. Brett is taking Spanish. Class is every day so that's out for me. I'm thinking Calligraphy. It's hard to get into though.

My number one goal this year, and really it's not a surprise since it is my goal every year, is weight loss. Brett gave me a Body Bugg for Christmas and Marissa and Eli gave me the watch/monitor that goes with it. I'm on day number three. (I feel like I've joined sugar anonomous. I've been clean for three whole days.) I'm determined to get it off and keep it off. Oh I'm going to look so much better in my swim suit when my husband takes me to Hawaii for our 32 anniversary. I'm picturing it in my mind right now.

I had a freaky experience at 3:30 am this morning. Just goes to show you that you should always keep your doors locked. This morning a girl slide off the road in her car and got stuck. When a neighbor tried to help her, she got scared and ran off. After ringing our doorbeel and finding our door unlocked. She let herself in yelling..."hello, hello." I was so sound asleep, it took me a while to figure out that someone was in the house yelling. She wanted to spend the rest of the night at our house but luckily three police cars showed up at our house to collect her and help her get to her destination. They followed the tracks in the snow to our house. (Long got the short version.) Needless to say, we had a lecture by moi about making sure the house stays locked up. It took me forever to go to sleep after that. So, KEEP YOUR DOORS LOCKED so you don't get a scary wake up call.


  1. What a scary story. I am glad it all turned out ok and she wasn't a scarier sort of person...

    My New Year's goals are also to cut out sugar and exercise more. Also to help my kids with their interests/talents and ways to serve.

    Thanks for letting me drop by!


  2. Yikes, what a scary story! I'm glad it all turned out well. I'd love to hear about your progress with the Body Bug. I know several people that had really good luck with it. My New Year's resolution was to give up caffeine (coffee, tea, cola). I'm on day 6 caffeine free, yay me!

    On a decorating note, when I take down the Christmas I decorate with my snowmen and white and silver accessories in each of the major rooms of the house. It always makes me smile until I put up the Valentine decorations. I hope to get some pics put up on my blog this week.

  3. Um...hello?! Freaky Freaky! That's a crazy story. Too bad it wasn't me sneaking in your house in the middle of the night, you would have let me stay, right? p.s. thank your for the AWESOME halloween garland! I absolutely love it. It was so nice of you to wrap it up and give me that. I feel very loved. Thanks again momma.

  4. Oh my word. I always locked my door in UTAH and definitely do that here. I'm trying to get the Mr to put in a peep hole. Your weight goal is a big one on my list... however, I don't think I'll ever get in a swimming suit again. I would like to become more compassionate and be a better neighbor. I would also like to know the scriptures better and study more. And I like your goal of finishing things (per Stephanie's blog) that you have started. I think I will work on that one. Thanks for the idea. I finally got all my stuff put away in one loooonnnngggg day. It always looks so boring after Christmas.

  5. OhMyGosh -- I'm surprised you could go back to sleep at all! That would be VERY disturbing! And what is a Body Bugg? I haven't heard of it. I always diet in the winter and then just spend the rest of the year gaining it back. You'd think I'd change my habits, but nooooo.....
