Sunday, December 7, 2008

This is for Candice

There are some interesting things on Etsy. How about a Christmas Bell? OK, this is all I found searching for Christmas decorations and ideas that I liked. Candice was trying to find one for Grant. He wants to see if it really works that only those who believe can hear the bell. I believe. Do you think I'll be able to hear it?

You know that those who don't believe get underwear for Christmas just ask Eli. The year he said he didn't believe, and peeked into Santa's pack before Christmas, that is all he received. We hid all the other presents until he had opened underwear, socks, t-shirts. I even made a wall hanging to mark the occasion. He'll get it when he gets married.

Happy Holidays everyone! I'm starting to get into the spirit of things. I've been wrapping up a storm and sewing away. I wish there were more days before Christmas. It is coming too quickly.

1 comment:

  1. It's coming WAY too quickly!!! I'll bet your house is decorated beautifully!
