Friday, October 24, 2008

Witches Brew Party Continued

The party began at 7 pm. The house with lit with candles, pumpkins. We started with dinner of tomato basil soup, a vegetable platter with dip, crackers and cheese, and grapes. The next thing on the agenda was making a caramel apple you could take home to your family. Then it was on to visiting and judging the wonderful witch hat creations. Sorry, I didn't take pictures of the awards. Oh, believe me, you would have wanted to win. My husband took the wonderful witch portraits whenever he could grab someone. I loved the portraits. I think I will have everyone's printed as a special memory of our evening together.

Speaking of pictures...I did my best on these. I really MUST take Candice online photography class. I swiped my husband's Nikon to take most of these. I put the camera on a tripod and held the flash down so it couldn't flash. It seemed to work in most cases.
Above: soup bowls and other dishes. I love those Halloween plate I bought at a garage sale at Lake Tahoe this summer. (Honestly, they have the best garage sales. It is a must to garage sale when we visit my parents cabin. I also bought a big silver tray and a huge thick glass serving platter. I'm thinking I'll underlight it in a table center piece.)

Spooky napkins. I bought the crow napkins in NYC. Candice talked me in to it. It wasn't very hard to convince me though. LOL

Halloween bowls filled with caramel apple toppings. Mini M&M's, toffee crunch stuff you buy in the baking section by the chocolate chips, chopped walnuts, 4 kinds of sprinkles (Michaels has a set for Halloween I bought with my 40% off coupon), graham cracker crumbs, melted white chocolate, chocolate chips, crushed oreo cookies. Hmmm, I think that was it.
Steph's caramel apple. Just to give you an idea. Really I didn't take any pictures at the party. I was too busy being the hostess with the mostess. I'm not really good at hosting parties but I do like to make invitations, do displays, and decorate.
I used granny smith apples and another red apple. Most people picked red apples although the sour taste of granny smith apples goes great with the sweet caramel. I love the apple sticks I cut from the apple tree in the back yard. Hey, I washed them really well and even though it wasn't my apple tree, the branches were hanging way over into my yard. Oh besides, my neighbor is great she wouldn't mind at all.
I made some of these. I love vintage. I bought the vintage halloween digital downloads from Etsy. They were very reasonable. I forgot to post the picture of what was inside...candy, a Halloween colored super ball, and a sticky eye ball. I made a bowl full and gave them to bring home to my friends kids. (I still have a bunch because I didn't quite finish them all. I didn't even get any sent off to my grandkids. It was amazing how many toilet paper and paper towel tubes I was able to save in a short amount of time. I just cut flat fold crate paper to fit around the paper roll and glued with a glue stick, glued on a vintageish label, tied one end, filled the roll, and tied the other end. You probably had this all figured out without the explanation. Hey, I don't do rocket science. LOL)
This was the bucket with the judging sheets and wild pens. If you didn't win a prize in one of the hat catagories, you got to take home a pen for participating. (These are what I had left.) Someone asked me to list the catagories: most ornate, most unique, creepiest, hat most likely to belong to Glenda in "The Wizard of Oz," hat you are most likely to steal. I made those up all my myself. Not sure how long it took me to stretch my brain that much.
Oh, here is my graveyard during the day. It looked great with all the lanterns lit that night. I was going to make tombstone but they had these great ones at the Halloween one get one free and then some creepy dressed up guy in the store gave me a coupon for $5 off a $20 purchase. All 8 of those tombstones were about $20. So much easier than making them and much more authenic than the ones I've made in the past. The fence is from my neighbor. They redid their yard and had a couple of sections behind their shed. Have I told you how much I love rod iron? Wish I had some in my yard for reals!
Hey, where's that picture of the black and white stationary everyone got to take home? I guess I'll have to show you that in the next post. I found it at Michaels and just HAD to get some for everyone.

Thanks for stopping in to find out the details of my little party. Steph did take pictures during the party so see people in action. And, thank you for all your comments. I really just wanted to meet a few of you who are reading my blog.

Laurel, I still owe you my icing recipe for cupcakes. I'll get around to posting it soon. I hope you didn't need it right away.

I also took lots of pictures today of my Halloween decorations. I'm pretty sure there will be more pictures than you really want to see but just in case you DOOO really want to see lots of pics, I'll post them soon.

I hope you all checked out October's issue of Creating Keepsakes magazine. Candice showed how to make a crow garland (very cute if I don't say so myself), taught how to take spooky Halloween pictures, and showed how to make our Halloween countdown advent calendar. She even included some "downloads." I hope you were able to see a copy. AHHH, not bragging (OK- well just a little), but I love and miss my talented, extremely creative, girls. I'm off now to do something productive. The laundry is calling my name...Kim where are you? And while your add it don't forget to do the ironing. ;)


  1. Man, you take this Halloween stuff serious! I think it's pretty creative & cool. Good job.

  2. looks wonderful! i love the real sticks for the apples. i'll post about the garland on my blog too. actually got together w/ some friends last night and made Candice's All Hallows Eve banner she posted about last year. I think your family really needs to write a book or get a tv show - very talented!

    i'll have to send this idea to Steph for her children's lit club...i remember in elementary school each year we decorated pumpkins as children's book characters and had a contest (kinda like the witch hats), that would be fun for her club to do in Oct. I'll have the post the pic of my pumpkin as Miss Viola Swamp.
