Tuesday, September 30, 2008

This is my 100th post

Oh yes, this is my first day in NYC and where are we? We are in the waiting area for the Martha Stewart Show. Candice got tickets for the four of us. Pictured are Candice, me, Emily, and Sarah.
They send you an email with the do's and don'ts of what to wear as an audience member. I had no idea but was happy to be there anyway. Here is the right side of the set where Martha talked to Jane Goodall. What a thrill to see her and hear about her research with the gorillas in Africa first hand. (Of course, there are no pictures of the show taping. You can only take pictures before and after the filming. This show was live so we didn't get a chance to see it on TV.) We are sitting right behind this railing in the middle area so we had great seats.
The middle of the set where Martha made sangria with Terrance Howard, an actor. She also showed a video clip of making Paella.
OK, great except for the camera that was right in front of us. LoL
This is on the left hand side and is the kitchen area. She didn't use that area on this show.
The craft area. They did show something here but I can't remember what. I just remember the staff adding a table runner to the table.
Here is the official Martha signage.
Sarah, Emily, and Candice waiting for Martha.
These kids are demonstrating how to use Myachi sacks. We all received a customized one and got to practice with it during part of the segment. Evidently it is a big seller at FAO Swartz. I hadn't ever heard of it or seen it before.
After the show the audience was able to ask Martha questions and we were able to click a few pictures of Martha herself.

Finally a good picture except for that lady in the audience. She doesn't look to happy does she?
Anyway, we had a great time. I really enjoyed myself. But, if you ever get a chance to go, dress warm. It was freeezing in there!

We came away with two candy bars, a bag of coffee (I gave mine to Mark to take to his boss. I thought it would be a shame to use gourmet coffee as stain to age my Halloween tags.), a CD of Terrance Howard's, a myachi bag...I think that was it.

Brett and Eli tried to get tickets to David Letterman but they weren't taping while we were there. I was hoping that Candice would post some pictures because hers were so much better but she is too busy teaching her online photography class to post. More is NYC trip to follow later. We crammed a lot in to that one little trip and most my pictures are of Eli so it looks like Eli's trip to NY. Oh just wait and you'll see what I mean.

And yes, this is my 100th post. It should be monumental with a big giveaway. I'm too busy to come up with anything so will put it off until later. I know...you really wanted a Halloween banner. I might be able to do that in a week or two so keep checking on that one.


  1. WooHoo! Looks like you girls had a great time -- everyone looks so happy. Your goody bag sounds about as exciting as ours was -- we got prune juice LOL. I noticed the day before your visit everyone got wireless printers -- that was the kind of luck we had too!

  2. Wow, wee Kim. Boy am I jealous in the nice friend sort of way. Really I am happy for you and it sounds like it was an exciting thing to do!

    I am also very impressed that this was your 100th blog. Very impressed, way to go girlfriend.

    ttfn, Mischel
