Tuesday, September 30, 2008

This is my 100th post

Oh yes, this is my first day in NYC and where are we? We are in the waiting area for the Martha Stewart Show. Candice got tickets for the four of us. Pictured are Candice, me, Emily, and Sarah.
They send you an email with the do's and don'ts of what to wear as an audience member. I had no idea but was happy to be there anyway. Here is the right side of the set where Martha talked to Jane Goodall. What a thrill to see her and hear about her research with the gorillas in Africa first hand. (Of course, there are no pictures of the show taping. You can only take pictures before and after the filming. This show was live so we didn't get a chance to see it on TV.) We are sitting right behind this railing in the middle area so we had great seats.
The middle of the set where Martha made sangria with Terrance Howard, an actor. She also showed a video clip of making Paella.
OK, great except for the camera that was right in front of us. LoL
This is on the left hand side and is the kitchen area. She didn't use that area on this show.
The craft area. They did show something here but I can't remember what. I just remember the staff adding a table runner to the table.
Here is the official Martha signage.
Sarah, Emily, and Candice waiting for Martha.
These kids are demonstrating how to use Myachi sacks. We all received a customized one and got to practice with it during part of the segment. Evidently it is a big seller at FAO Swartz. I hadn't ever heard of it or seen it before.
After the show the audience was able to ask Martha questions and we were able to click a few pictures of Martha herself.

Finally a good picture except for that lady in the audience. She doesn't look to happy does she?
Anyway, we had a great time. I really enjoyed myself. But, if you ever get a chance to go, dress warm. It was freeezing in there!

We came away with two candy bars, a bag of coffee (I gave mine to Mark to take to his boss. I thought it would be a shame to use gourmet coffee as stain to age my Halloween tags.), a CD of Terrance Howard's, a myachi bag...I think that was it.

Brett and Eli tried to get tickets to David Letterman but they weren't taping while we were there. I was hoping that Candice would post some pictures because hers were so much better but she is too busy teaching her online photography class to post. More is NYC trip to follow later. We crammed a lot in to that one little trip and most my pictures are of Eli so it looks like Eli's trip to NY. Oh just wait and you'll see what I mean.

And yes, this is my 100th post. It should be monumental with a big giveaway. I'm too busy to come up with anything so will put it off until later. I know...you really wanted a Halloween banner. I might be able to do that in a week or two so keep checking on that one.

Monday, September 29, 2008

I'm So Far Behind

We went to NYC last week. We had so much fun with Candice, Mark, Grant, and Cole. We actually went for Grant's eighth birthday and baptism. I'll post pictures of the trip another day...remember...it's me...the girl who doesn't like to download pictures.

Steph and family spent the weekend. We went to McKenzie Borup's wedding and reception, put out the Halloween decorations, Steph worked on a quilt, and I worked on finishing more Halloween garlands (I sold the three I had listed on Etsy), and worked on invitations for my Witches Brew Party. I'm still working on Halloween vinettes but when I get them done, I'll share...really I will...I promise. I spent today cleaning the house, doing laundry, sewing garlands, and then we went to dinner at Brett's parents.

It is still plenty warm here but the leaves are changing on the mountains. I love fall. How about you?

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Curious Sofa's Halloween Displays

I love this display from Curious Sofa. They had a great display last year too.

To see last year's post check here. Deb and her staff like to be unique, therefore, I love what she does. I love people who aren't afraid to experiment a little and push the box. What do you think of her displays? Doesn't make you want to see what you can do to your house this Halloween?

Monday, September 15, 2008

Autumn Art Show

Remember the post about these? Well Jeni is having an Autumn Art Show at her house and you are all invited. Here's the scoop:

When...Wednesday, October 8th from 6-9 pm
and Thursday, October 9 from 9-4 pm

Where: Jeni's house in Holladay, UT...so be on your best behavior OK?
2591 East Valley View Ave.
Holladay, UT 84117

She told me that I could invite all of you. I'll have a space there and Jeni will have tons of these great Halloween gourd creations. I know that she will have quite a few other artists as well. I hope you can make it.

Sunday, September 14, 2008

A Halloween Giveaway to Check Out

These are the giveaway items from Olde Colonial peddler. She has some unique Halloween items that she makes. The contest ends tomorrow night so you must hurry over. Aren't these great? I love them!!!

Saturday, September 13, 2008

Hooked On Ears

This is what I did this weekend. Here is a picture of our earring booth at a Women's Show in Layton, Utah. What a bust! Hardly anyone came. My MIL and I spend all weekend here.
Another view.
My SIL made all these little gift boxes.
Eli thought of the name of our new little company and Stephanie did our graphics. (Yes, I know they are sideways. I have a new program on my laptop and haven't figured out how to rotate the pictures.)
Here is the other sign Steph made with our prices.
Here they are hanging in the booth. I guess I should have taken of closeup of the earrings. Black onyx, fresh water pearls, tiger's eye, glass beads of varying kinds, ans so many more. Have any suggestions for booth improvements? We have another show scheduled for next month in Park City. I hope it turns out better than this one.

Tuesday, September 9, 2008

New Etsy Site

Wow, this is post 93. Who knew I could come up with that many posts?

I've joined the ranks of bloggers who sell things. I think it's only temporary though. Who has time to make all those things to sell? I don't think I do without making myself crazier than I already am. My husband's pictures of the garlands were so much better than my quick point and shot ones. Go check it out ( So Charmed, I'm Sure) and let me know what you think. P-P-P-Please.

A special thank you to Stephanie who set it all up for me and to my husband for those lovely pictures.

I just posted this, looked at my blog page, and noticed Steph shows my Etsy things on my page. She's so efficient. So, now you don't have to link anywhere to see the pictures. She also did some great graphics for our earring booth. I'll try and post those soon.

Congratulations Candice for filling another online photography class. I know your students will love you. "What's not to love!"

Monday, September 8, 2008

Trying to Take Decent Pictures

My sweet husband is trying to help me out by taking some decent pictures of my halloween garlands so I can post them on Etsy. I had him take a picture of me so you could see what my roll is...you guessed it...blocking the sunlight. I'm still working on the Etsy site. OK, Stephanie is working on it. I have no idea how to do that kind of stuff. I guess I better learn though. I'll let you know when it is up so you can give me suggestions.

I'm off to get posters made, sew table coverings for the Hooked On Ears booth I am doing with my Mother in law this weekend in Layton. We have tickets for a play at the Hale Theatre tonight. (I love the Hale theatre. The plays are always amazingly good for a community theatre.)

Sunday, September 7, 2008

Cooking with the Young Women

This weekend was busy sewing Halloween garlands, which may be a waste of time judging by the non response I received from all of you who read my blog. I really would like to know what you think about them. My husband and I took better pictures (I hope) so I can post them on etsy. I'm even going to make a miniature garland to go over my fairy door.

I did watch a little of the BYU vs Wash. football game. What a nail biter. We came out on top in the end by one point. The win was bitter sweet since the officials called a celebration call against Washington after the last touchdown. Without that, it may have ended with a tie and then gone in to overtime. The cougars did play a better game in my opinion. We have some great players and what makes it even more fun is the fact that Eli played high school football with Luke Ashworth, Harvey Unga, Stephen Covey, Matt Reynolds, etc. They were state champions and Eli was the center. Stephen Covey was the quarter back. I think Stephen might be red shirting this year.

These pictures are a young women activity we had last week. We went to a little cooking school in American Fork. The pictures aren't very good but you can see that the girls are having a great time. The top picture is Megan and the instructor. This picture is of all the girls watching as the teacher talks about hygiene while cooking, pre measuring ingredients, and reading the recipe before you begin. We had six girls and three leaders attend.

Making granola. Sara and Rachel were hilarious!
Rachael and Bronte. I can tell by these pictures that Mrs. Van Waggonen didn't know what to think about these entertaining beehive girls. They kept me in stitches the whole night.
Here is my one and only Mia Maid that came to the activity. She is very quiet. We are now making cookies with the granola mixture.
Here we are in the kitchen watching Kallie bake the granola. She is turning it mid stream so that it cooks evenly and doesn't burn on the sides.
Getting ready to put the cookies on the cookie sheet. Claire, Megan, and Rachael volunteered for this task.
Sara, Emily, and Bronte made up parfaits for everyone using the granola as one of the layers. Yummmm.
We even all received a cute little bag as well as a little booklet with the recipes.
Inside was a granola mixture and a wooden spoon. The name of the cooking school is "The Wooden Spoon.." Although I'm sure most of my family and friends who read the blog won't be interested so much in this post, my young women wanted to see their pictures. So, this is for my young women.

Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Halloween Flag Garland

Here are pictures of one of my Halloween garlands. I need to take better pictures but thought I would at least let me friends see what I've been talking about. Each garland is different. I have about 20 different Halloween fabrics. I've used a lot of different trims too. Of course I have to add buttons. I loooove buttons. I add buttons to everything I make...just because.

Stephanie is going to help me set up an etsy site so I can try and sell these. Five flags to a garland for $38 what do you think? I need your input and expertise. Please give me your honest opinion.

Hopefully my husband will be able to help me take some good pictures. (Candice you are the one I really need.)

I made Candice two garlands with 22 flags each. Stephanie has one with 13 flags. Marissa wanted a kit and a few finished flags for examples so she could try out her new sewing machine. She also has 13 flags. My mom wanted one for her double door entrance so she has 10 flags. My girlfriend has 5 flags and I have three garlands with a different number of flags on each one.

An Update on my life...in case you are interested

Some people are good about keeping an interesting life journal. I picked mine up again after not writing for two year. (I wrote Eli every week on his mission and kept a copy to count as my journal.) After reviewing what I wrote two years ago, I decided life hasn't changed very much. The general recurring themes...weight issues, keeping up with life, financial pressures, work. Boring. I'm not sure that my posts are any more interesting either and yet I plod on.

So, here is what I've done lately and I don't have any pictures. Friday I spent the morning at Swiss Days in Midway. I met Steph and baby Creed up there. We were supposed to reconnoiter with cell phones but silly me, I left mine at home. Luckily I was able to borrow some one's phone and connect with her. Oh yes, I just asked a stranger who had a cell phone in her hand. I'm not proud.

I brought one of my Halloween garland just in case my favorite vendor was there and would trade with me. She traded me for two little gourds too. I scored! OK, my camera is right here so I guess I will at least need to show you my new acquisitions. I'll do that in a minute. Anywho, Jeni loved my garland and two other people standing there wanted to know where they could get one. (I know I still haven't posted a picture...I don't like taking pictures or posting them either for that matter. I have to FORCE myself to do it. I do love to see your pictures though. LOL) She wants me to be in her craft fair at her house. I'm kind of excited. So, I think I will try to fit that in the first part of October. (Oh wait, that means I will have to find time to sew too.)

I'm already doing two shows with my MIL selling earrings. Sterling Silver...$6 ea. or 4/$20. We hope to do well. One is in Layton the 11th and 12th and one in Park City in October. The event is called "What a Women Wants." We've never even been to one so we'll see what happens.

Wow, I really got off track but this is how my mind works. It flits from one thing to the next. After Swiss Days, I rushed home for Kathee's birthday party. She had invited about half the neighborhood. It was nice to have a great salad and visit with everyone. (I brought my camera but didn't take one picture.)

I rushed from there to SLC to buy some ribbon to use on the flags. I'm going to make Christmas, boy and girl flags too.

Saturday was yoga at 7 am, river rafting down the Provo river (it was a prize for a contest Alpine sponsored), picking up my husband after he dropped off his truck to get fixed, and doing a few chores before rushing off to the BYU vs Iowa football game. (BYU won 41-17)

Sunday was busy with young women's presidency meeting, church, home teachers, visiting Grandpa Creed, labeling and putting in a photo album 7 months of pictures. You know, the typical Sunday stuff.

Monday I slept in...ahhhh....until 8 am. My two Mia Maids did a little service project mowing the lawn, edgeing, and weeding for a widow on our street, I did a little weeding at my house too before the rain started again, did household chores with Eli and Brett and then we headed up to Soldier Hollow for the Sheep Dog festival. Steph, Larry, and baby Creed met us there. It was interesting...we are glad we experienced it at least once in our life. They even had Scottish bag pipers. My MIL had a jewelry booth there and so we helped her take everything down and load up her van. We all went out to eat and then came back to the house to play games. Anyone for speed scrabble or Sequence?

Today exercised at 7 am and then went off to work. After work, Brett and I went to the Provo temple for ward temple night and afterward a social at the Strong's house. It was 10 pm by the time we got home and I got on the computer and now it is time for bed. See...no talent for journaling. At least my kids are good at it.

No success in downloading the gourd picture to this post sorry.