Monday, August 11, 2008

Girl's camp

I didn't get any Halloween garlands finished today so I thought I'd post some pictures of girl's camp. Here is a picture of our little group in front of our A frame cabin. We had so much fun together hiking, eating, hiking some more, canoeing on the lake, doing crafts, singing, certifying with each age level, and bonding. Friday night the Bishopric came to camp and we made dinner for them. Doesn't it look great? Dutch oven cooking at its best. This is Wendy the camp leader for our ward. Steve Strong is carving the meat.

Sitting around the campfire eating and relaxing.

Here is my husband, the bishop, playing "Dippity, dippity, dip." It is a pretty fun game have you played it?

The bishopric brought dessert. Brownies and ice cream. Yummmmmm!

We camp at Mia Shalom which is owned by our church. It is down by Fairview. It's pretty isolated and somewhat electricity but they do have running water and flush toilets. We were the farthest cabin from the bathrooms so we did a lot of hiking. Not fun in the middle of the night except the stars were incredible!!! I mean, the night sky was something to behold. The girls loved to lay out on the picnic tables and watch for shooting stars.
I came home tired and dirty but was so glad I went. I added the experience to my list of summer adventures.

1 comment:

  1. Oooohhhhh, I'm so jealous! You've hit all my favorites -- camping out, dutch oven cooking, watching the stars, brownies and ice cream -- and to top it off you were getting awfully close to my neck of the woods! Now I'm homesick!!!
