Thursday, June 19, 2008

Gardening Event

Two posts today: this one on the garden party and another about yesterday's quilt guild meeting. Wow, there is something everyday. Tomorrow...Eli is coming home after two whole years in Brazil. Unfortunately, his plane in delayed more than four hours. Torture!! We can't wait to see him.

Because our life isn't busy enough, we had a church event in our back yard. My husband was very nice to really pitch in to try and whip our yard into some kind of presentable condition. If I would have known that they were having gardening experts come and speak, I would have turned them down to have the event in our backyard. I thought it was a garden party. Most came in their gardening hats ready to enjoy the evening.
Vicki Barrett and Louine Shields enjoying the shade.
Camille Cannon won for the best gardening hat. What a cute pose. She set up all the tables and chairs.

Some of the ladies listening intently to a lecture on gardening.
Yum, garlic bread and yummy salads. Unfortunately, most of these were not on the current diet my husband and I are on.
More food. Yum...this is making me hungry.
Lots of visiting.
More visiting and eating.
Here is our waterfall and fish pond. We have some big fish in there actually. They live in the garage in the winter. I kind of miss seeing them in the tank when you walk into the garage. They would swim into the corner and go crazy when they saw us waiting for us to feed them. Who knew fish were smart? They do the same thing when they see you in the outside pond but it's not as fun because you can't see them as well. Oh, and I love the sound of the wall fall. I can watch the bird play in it through my kitchen window.
They even had a musical number.

Do you guys know Jan Perry? Well, maybe you know her as Janice Kapp Perry. She's in my ward. Can you find her in this picture? (Second from the right in the front row.) I'll take pictures of my yard so you can actually see our deck, timber framed arch, and our fish.


  1. What a beautiful yard, Kim. It really looks like everyone is thoroughly enjoying themselves. The weather has been perfect for a garden party, hasn't it?

  2. Gosh Kim -- can you pack ALL of your excitement into TWO days???? I was all caught up with you on Thursday night (you must have posted RIGHT after I logged off) and now I'm 4 posts behind!!! Your garden party looks wonderful. What a beautiful yard you have. And I'm sorry, but I have no idea who Janice Perry is??? I'll probably say "Oh yes" when you tell me!
