Thursday, April 17, 2008

Today's Update

I think I'm too lazy to take and post pictures. Did I say that? No, really I always forget the camera...I really was going to take pictures of the Wii challenge. I was in a huge hurry to get out the door and be on time though.

Today got up early and exercised with Kathee, may faithful exercising friend. Ran off to work and the Wii tournament. Lots of work but the residents had fun. One was 92 years old. June was the champion with a score of 194. Amazing. It was her first time playing and she was doing it while sitting in an arm chair. They had so much fun that they asked us if we could come back tomorrow. The last facility we went to ended up buying their own Wii they had so much fun.

Then I ran and picked up my new end table. Who knew I would have to put it together myself? I guess I should have let them deliver it tomorrow with the other funiture they are exchanging and then I think they would have put it together. Oh well, now I have "ownership" in the table.

I was able to make the house passable for the dinner party. My husband had his civil engineering student chapter officers and spouses/dates over. My husband, the gourmet cook, made his own original sweet chicken burritos, plus green salad, chips and mango salsa, and chocolate cake and ice cream for dessert. We tested out the new dish washer to see if you really can just scrap the food off the plates and have them come out clean. I'll report on the results tomorrow. I know you can't wait to hear about this.

It is off to bed. What am I doing up so late anyway and where did the time go? The sheet monsters are calling me and I know they won't want to let go of me in the morning when I have to get up to go exercise. They are funny that way.


  1. Mom, I know that you said you were looking for a really long curtain rod to go across all of the windows. have you tried Ikea? They have those wire ones that would probably work if they don't look too modern for the room.

    And my mouth is watering thinking about dad's chicken burritos!

  2. Hmmm...doesn't hubby need to publish his recipe??? They sound yummy! I hope the sheet monsters cornered you, tied you down, and cuddled you for an extra long time this morning!
