Wednesday, February 6, 2008

The Return of the House Fairy

Sorry I haven't posted; I was off babysitting. It has been a week full of babysitting. By the time I took care of my grandchildren while Candice was at CHA and then babysat my four nieces and nephews, I've had my hands full. Whew! We had lots of fun but I'm tired and it is back to work tomorrow.

What saved me...treasure hunts for kids who behaved and the return of the house fairy.'ve never heard of the house fairy? She comes at random times. You never know when she will drop in. If the house is clean, she leaves treats and a miniature letter (1" x 3/4" It is a trick to write that small but fairies are small). Sometimes she comes and the house is not clean. All she leaves then is a miniature letter saying how sad she is that the house isn't clean so there are no treats. She usually draws a picture of her magic wand at the bottom of the letter too. It is amazing how much fun this is and how well it works.

Maybe this is why Stephanie is still working with faeries. She started when she was young. She is working in faerie real estate buying and selling faerie doors. Here is a sample of one of the doors.


  1. I've been quietly reading Stephanie's blog now for months. She has so many fun ideas! When she mentioned you're blogging now I had to come and check it out. I'm SOOO excited to learn about the house fairy. I've been in touch with her and she's going to start stopping by my house too. Hopefully my 3 and 5 year olds will be excited. Think it works for husbands too??

  2. I am so glad that you have a blog now mother. I have loved visiting you these last few days. i hope you enjoyed your birthday.
