Tuesday, January 29, 2008

The World of Blogging

Thanks to my daughter, Stephanie, I'm starting my own blog. I don't know how great it will be especially when compared to all of yours, but I thought I'd give it a try. It might take me awhile to get the hang of things so be patient children. Candice I'm hoping you'll help create a great french country style heading.

It was all I could do to think of a title for my blog. I thought of "Small and Simple Things," (You know...from small and simple things are great things brought to pass.), "All Things Unique," (Because I only like unique things...). I thought of calling it "Heartland Manor" because that was the name of my retail store. I settled on "Charmed I'm Sure." Why? Hmmm, it is unique, remember I like unique, and it will look great as a header, and I like how it sounds. So babies, your mom will try to keep you updated on all the exciting things in my life. I will share my advice, ideas, woes, loves, and dreams. I'm just not sure how often I'll be able to post but I'll try. I'm spreading my wings thanks to your examples. Love you!

P.S. First one to respond to my first post gets a Valentine's package in the mail.


  1. Do I count since I found out about the contest from Candice because she couldn't comment?

    I'm so glad that you started a blog mom! Now I can't wait to see what you come up with!

  2. I'll call it a tie. Actually, I have something for all my children for Valentine's Day. Now I just need to get them mailed. :)

  3. Hmmm...how about a package to the first non-family commenter?!? (I'm a friend of Jerusha Reid and Shauna Cramer.)

  4. I don't know any of youin real life, but I read both of your girls blogs regularly and am always inspired by their creativity. More than once when they have mentioned you and how you helped them execute or come up with a fun project I have wished you had a blog. I am excited to see what you share. Sincerely, Melissa

  5. I found out about your blog through Stephanie's blog...I can't wait to see what you all post on here.
    Good luck,
    Trace G

  6. Seriously, I dream of having a mother like you and sisters like your daughters. What an example you are! Can't wait to see what you are up to as well. I stalk both your daughters blogs. This blog thing is a crazy, very cool ride!

  7. I'm Heather, Steph's friend in Columbus. Your blog title reminds me of White Christmas, "Mutual, I'm sure." I'm excited to see all the wonderful things I'm sure you have in store.

  8. Welcome to the world of blogging--I don't post as often as I would like but enjoy reading others'!
